Sentenced to be regressed

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"Please miss Emily, I wasn't being bad!" Billy begged the beautiful history teacher as he was led by his ear over to the correctional office.

"Not bad, William? Your actions have crossed the line this time! Freddy had to be taken to the hospital!" She growled, suppressing the urge to whip his butt on the spot.

Emily Rothschild adored Billy. Seventeen years old and almost out of high school, she had been his only supporter but the last stunt even got her to snap. Billy the bully kept ramping up his reign of terror over Seraph High to the point kids were being hospitalised. Even his perfect grades and intelligence couldn't mask that.

"Where are you taking me then?" He asked fearfully.

"To the regression rooms of course!" Emily snapped back.

"No! You can't do that! You can't turn me into a kid!" He began to struggle, trying to run but Emily immediately grabbed him by his neck.

"I'm not going to, it's the judge's decision!" She snapped at him, slapping the boy hard across his butt. "So I'd suggest you lose the attitude and go over like a good boy unless you want a more severe sentence." She warned.

As a Rothschild, she knew exactly what that 'severe' sentence would be... though Billy didn't know of her lineage. Nobody in the school did. She had tried to keep her surname a secret, she was always Miss Emily. Billy often complained that she "spanked like a Rothschild" whenever she had to deal with his actions but she was holding back.

"I can't be turned into a kid!" Emily heard him growl. He was a giant of a lad, over six and a feet tall and while she was close to six feet herself, Billy had so much of a weight advantage on her. She didn't remember what he did but all she knew was that she was on the floor a few seconds later and felt her blood pool around her.

"" she called out as she watched him run.

"..Is there anything you wish to say, William Gregory Salifa?" The judge was a middle-aged man with sunken eyes, watching the man on his knees, chained up.

"I didn't mean to...hurt her!" He cried.

"But you did," the judge spat. "Your teacher and your classmates, your juniors. You hurt dozens, William Salifa. Throwing your weight around knowing you were invincible. Knowing nobody could fight back."

He sighed. It was a difficult case. "It says you are an orphan here." He noted, looking up.

"I am," Billy cried. He knew nobody would be able to vouch for him. For a split second, he thought of Miss Emily...but he had hurt her. Even then she wouldn't have been given custody of him...heck, she wouldn't even be *allowed* custody with his rap-sheet.

Which meant one thing. Prison, away at the eastern sector Asteroid mining camps.

"Very well. I sentence you to regression treatment for no less than fifteen years, to be raised in accordance to Article 318 of the Azzeran Constitution on this day, year 4879 of our great lord." The gavel smashed into the table with a loud crack which shocked the boy out of his reverie.

"What?" He gasped. "B-but I don't have a family! I don't have a sponsor!"

"You have an applicant, dear lad," the judge smirked looking at the paper. "A Rothschild," he announced with glee.

Billy let out a gasp! "Them?" The family were notorious! The black sheep of the Azzeran nobility, they took in exclusively criminals to be reformed, whipped their regressed butts to absolute obedience and raised them to challenge the throne. Over two hundred years the family had operated this way and amassed wealth to rival the king himself.

He looked at his giant hands. It figured. He would fit their mould perfectly. Big, strong and of high intelligence. Usually, it would take multiple regressions for regular kids to reach where Billy was academically. Partly why Miss Emily was so driven in trying to get him out of school and into a nice college.

"Your new mother has agreed to pay for your debts so far and she has taken your possessions to storage. Be thankful she seems to be merciful with your life..." The judge frowned, noticing her name. He cross-checked it with the name on the paper. "Especially considering she is the final victim of your attacks."

"What?" Billy almost jumped out of his seat.

"You didn't know?" He asked, surprised. "Miss Emily Rothschild has agreed to be your new mother for your rehabilitation. Her signature matches your victim... Hmm... I should make sure this isn't a retribution ploy." The judge frowned. He knew it would be extremely difficult, however, considering he was dealing with a Rothschild. Their nobility meant they were often above the law.

"Miss Emily Rothschild will have to ensure her ward is not subject to any abuse from herself or anyone of her employ," the judge added. "She will be monitored regularly and there shall be private counselling for the future William Emily Rothschild where he can provide secret testimony against her. Do you understand your rights, boy?"

"But I'd still be under judicial regression even then right?" Billy questioned.

"I'm afraid so. There doesn't seem to be much leverage for you in this regard kid. Just hope she isn't.."

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