Savior? It's Complex

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I scramble to my feet as he lowers his crimson shield. Without words, I cover Abe's mouth and push him into the space between two large vats just big enough for the both of us. My body smushes against his. I can feel his hard torso against mine. I can't help but notice his crotch pressing against my hip and blush a bit knowing mine is pinned against his thigh.

The flock of psychos starts to file past us. I keep my hand on his mouth but pull his head down to me.

Forehead against forehead, I whisper to him, "There are too many of them. You would have had to use lethal force. I know you wouldn't want to kill any civilians, even if they are mind-controlled zombies."

He nods and I remove my hand from his mouth.

"Thank you," he murmurs back.

Abe keeps his head against mine, and in the shadows, I can smell the grape bubble gum on his breath. Outlandish situation aside, this is the most intimate I have ever been with Abe. I have only dreamt of being in this close of quarters where our frontals are so personally introduced. The fantasies usually involve making out, not running from zombies, though. As my mind feeds me delusions like Abe's breathing has changed and his package resting on my hip is growing firm, I have to remind my own nether regions to calm the hell down.

My attention is taken from our cargo units as loud sounds of fighting fill the corridors.

"Backup has arrived," Abe says.


I run out of our hiding place, but it is too late.

Rapidfire, The Herc, and Lady Lioness have already put all of the Maniacs down. I fear many of them are dead.

Before I can rush to the victims, Abe grabs my arm.

"Noah, you can't–"

"Tell me that they didn't murder them. Tell me, Abe, that The Fleet used knockout gas or tasers or something." I can't conceal the desperation in my voice. 

His silence is heartbreaking. He knows I am going to fall apart, so he takes me in his arms. "This is my fault," I press my face into his chest. Though I try to hold off the hysterics, I can feel my eyes burning from the impending tears.

"It's not. The Fleet had orders to take them out if found."

I push away from him. The morality of the topic sobers me fast. "Abe, they are civilians that are being brainwashed. These people aren't choosing to do bad things."

"We don't know that for sure, Noah. Intel has identified at least five of these Maniacs as ex-cons. Furthermore, if this is the factory where they are being made, then this is a win for the good guys." He smiles, trying to conclude the discussion.

Dark questions about terrible things that Abe has done in the name of duty blip through my brainwaves.

"Good guys?" I press. "Abe, look behind me. We are calling these Fleet members good guys?"

"Watch it, Noah. That is my team. The same folks who just saved our asses. What are you even doing here?"

There it is. The question that could have been avoided if I would have just kept my mouth shut and played along as thankful damsel in distress. I let out a big sigh.

"I was following a homing signal I put on the vigilante, Slammer."

Dammit. Now I called him a vigilante. I mean I guess it is the best term.

"He and his partners visited me a few weeks ago," I explain.

Abe looks at me as though I am a stranger.

"The leader of his pack is called Tiptoe. She is using Sir Madness and his connections to overthrow a dangerous plan that The Fleet, or maybe just Matriarch, is secretly carrying out."

This makes Abe laugh.

"Oh my god, Noah. I am not sure what is funnier: these hacks think that the Fleet is up to some evil plan or the fact that you believe them."

Though this stings, deeply, I get it. I would have a hard time believing my story if I wasn't already knee-deep in it.

"They gave me information about my dad, Abe. He actually worked for The Fleet. They told me he wasn't killed by an accident; he was murdered."

His demeanor changes. I can tell that the news about my father threw Abe off.

"Noah," he says softly. "They are playing you. I know you want to believe it. That they know something about your father. That they are trying to be heroes, but they are not."

I get quiet. I decide not to tell him anymore. He doesn't deserve to hear about the video files of my father or how he had met him or Goldfish or any of it.

"Why have you not told me any of this before now?" Abe asks.

"I haven't seen you. Your texts are short. You haven't been at school. I've been wanting to talk to you about all of this shit, but I assumed you were on a mission or worse, ignoring me."

I hang my head. I need him to apologize. I need him to tell me it was all in my head, and that he is sorry that his absence came off like he didn't want me around.

"The Fleet asked me to take a few days off from school. Disconnect for a bit."

My head snaps up. "That is stupid. They know how you feel about school. How it helps you feel normal. Why would they do that to you?"

Some hope returns to me. It isn't his fault. But I wasn't imagining things either. Abe has been disconnected. Distant.

"You. They think you cause too much attention. The concert. This." He motions to our surroundings.

I'm first. Then my confusion turns to rage.

"So you agree with them?" I spit.

"Noah, don't."

Abe puts his hand up and symbols me to pump the brakes. But screw that. I am in a runaway Lambo now, for something has triggered in my brain.

"How did you know I was here?" It is abrupt and accusing.

In a microsecond, Abe's eyes dart to my necklace–the hammer. A common person would have missed it. But not me. I am a natural-born over-analyzer. He goes quiet because he knows I noticed.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

I yank the chain right off my neck without letting go of Abe's gaze.

"This whole time?"

He says nothing. I am the Human Torch guy from the concert. My anger is a wildfire.

"That's an actual question, Abe! Is this thing a tracer?"

Without a word, he nods.

"Unbelievable!" I throw the cord and pendant at him.

"It was to protect you," he says. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you."

I believe him but am too hurt.

"Ya know, maybe you are right. I am so stupid. I am getting played. But not by Tiptoe. By my best friend. All this time, I thought it was some bond, some vibe we had. You could tell where I was or what trouble I was getting myself into and I always had your back because we were connected. On a different level."

"Noah. Please don't–" Abe tries.

"Here's the thing, Abe. Your team thinks you should take some time away from me. I'll make it easy for you. How about I leave you alone? I won't call or text or even talk to you at school. That way, it won't be your job to keep me safe anymore."

I walk past him. Past the destruction his team inflicted. To the last door on the right. To my way out of this. 

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