Chapter 1: Truth revealed. Disaster Approaches Machinedramon!!!!!

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3rd pov Union Academy

The headmasters were trying to figure out what happened Sirzech's magic circle was taken over by something more powerful than him but the symbol that appeared before Hiro disappeared the recognized it as the crest of courage but who could have known about the crest.

Sirzech:Hiro is not where we were sending him something overtook my magic circle and transported Hiro somewhere else and I can't detect him.

Ozpin:This is concerning who could have taken him.

Ironwood: It couldn't be the league of villains or Selam even they don't have enough power to overwhelm Sirzech that easily.

Nezu:I think I may know.

Hanzo:Then what is it Nezu.

Nezu:I did a background check on Hiro and his family every member of the Shizuki family has a birth mark in the shape of the crest of courage every single one, and further looking into the family revealed the incredible potential the Shizuki family possess.

Ironwood: And what potential is that Nezu?

Nezu:The potential that this family has is that they hail from the Greymon family, I had a hair from Mr.Shuzuki's brush analyzed and the results were that he hails from Metal Empire Virus Busters NatureSpirits Dragon's Roar all lying dormant within him, I believe Mr Shizuki has the potential to become a Wargreymon.

The shocked all the head masters present the reason why a Wargreymon hasn't appeared in over fifty years it's Known how exactly one becomes a Wargreymon but a quote was said "It is said that the moment that a true hero among veteran warriors awakens to its own mission, it digivolves into WarGreymon."

Ironwood:But that's impossible a Wargreymon has not been seen for over fifty years! It be a miracle if another one was to appear.

Nezu:And we might have lost that miracle.

Sirzech:But did you forget Hiro betrayed us for the villains.

Kiryia: that's not true Sirzech.

Sirzech: Kiryia?

Kiryia:I done some digging into this whole incident and we have made a terrible mistake. Someone who wishes to remain anonymous show us a video of the culprit we thought was Hiro was actually Himeko Toga who transformed into Hiro.


Ironwood: You're saying the league of villains were behind this!?

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Ironwood: You're saying the league of villains were behind this!?

Kiryia:Yes we Hiro never betrayed us we betrayed him.

Ironwood :

Ironwood :

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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