Foreword from the Author

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A foreword before the story begins

I feel this should be said now. I wasn't going to tell anyone this, but some comments on DeviantART pissed me off enough that I finally opened up about it to people. I don't want you snooping around my real life, so I won't say anything that doxes me.

 I don't want you snooping around my real life, so I won't say anything that doxes me

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This is all you're getting.

Well over a decade ago, I was a bit of a punk kid. Never that great at school, but I did try my best. My home life wasn't excellent, but I had gotten used to it. Second of five kids. Older brother, three younger sisters. 16, 14 (me), 8, 5, and 1. Quite the range, eh? 

My older brother was a bigger punk than I ever was. He's extremely physical and rough, and his idea of "pranks" and "roughhousing" were completely unreasonable, such as breaking my Playstation 2 with a hammer because it was "choppy and not reading discs" and then revealing that it was some friend's old broken PS2 when I was already in tears.

Life wasn't perfect as hell, but I was happy for the most part. However, some shit went down one day. This was 2011, and it was a cold and rainy day. I was being a jokester at school again, right? And that led to me getting called to the principal's office. Now this bitch had it out for me for a while. She called my parents and told them I was acting a fool again. Mom was angry. Dad was angry. They agree to come pick me up after school. I know I'm in trouble, but at this point, that was just me, right?

The parents decided they had it up to here with me and told me that I had to walk home. They'd ride along in the car, but I had to walk in the rain. I was pissed as shit, right? And none of my siblings in that car stood up for me either. 

We get home. I'm soaked. I'm hungry. I'm angry, but I feel I had it coming anyway, so I go up to the door and try opening it.

Fuckers locked me out.

I try banging the door to tell them to let me in, but my parents and older brother said I had to sleep elsewhere. They gave me a bag of food and that was fucking it.

That's motherfucking right, y'all.


Maybe not 100% the same way. They didn't think I was bad luck. They just thought I was a bad kid and I had this coming.

You might ask "Why didn't I call the police?"

When you're a 14-year-old kid, you're not thinking of things like that. Thinking as an adult, that is the first thing I should have done, and a paralegal relative of mine says that I would have been able to get CPS involved easily with my own words, but nothing came of it at the time. Thinking that it was my fault, I just crashed at a bro's place and when I went home, I figured "Fuck you guys, that was shitty." I was pissed at everyone, excluding my (literal) baby sister. You can't be angry at a baby.

It was only after the fact I learned that my (oldest) baby sister had tried to stick up for me, but everyone in the family shouted her down and said I had it coming. At the time, I hadn't heard her say anything and I was convinced she thought the same as everyone else.  Why wouldn't she? When everyone else turned their back on me, why her arbitrarily?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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