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Arthur POV

We don't walk for a long time. Amelie's foot starts hurting so I pick her up on my shoulders. My back is sore from a workout I did this morning so I head back pretty quickly.

From afar, I see Charles and Elise in the water together. Charles has both his hands on Elise. What is happening? What is he doing to her? They're so close to each other that they almost look like one person. Why was it always Charles though? Why does Elise feel that type of connection with Charles but not me?

I would love to say I got tingling jealousy, but this is way more than tingling. He's my brother for Christ's sake! He doesn't deserve someone like her. I don't want to see this. Please don't kiss her Charles, I pray. It looks like he listens to me because they immediately back up from each other.

I don't want to admit it but this is wrong. Not only wrong for them but for Amelie. I'm in love with Elise and I keep dating someone else. I can't do this to myself or her. I wanted to get a girlfriend to hopefully get over Elise. It hasn't happened. This blond-haired, brown-eyed girl keeps occupying my thoughts. I also have to tell Elise. I don't know how but I'll have to sooner or later.

"Hey, guys!" Amelie shouts to Charles and Elise.

She didn't seem to see what I saw. I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

"Hi!" Elise calls back.

Charles and Elise make their way to us. Anger is the main emotion I feel right now. All I want to do is take Elise with me and leave. Why did Charles come anyway? Oh yeah, I basically invited him. Well, it would be fair to say I'm regretting my choice. I hope my emotions don't show too much. I have a short eye contact with Elise before she looks away probably intimidated by my piercing stare. She is standing beside Charles as if he was her bodyguard and he needed to protect her. The thing is, he shouldn't be the one protecting her, I should.

"Are you guys hungry?" Charles asks in a good mood, probably because of what happened with my best friend.

He's thinking about food? My appetite completely left the second I saw them get this close.

"No. I'm not feeling well, I wanna go home." I confess to everyone.

"Oh no. Are you okay?" Amelie worries.

She caresses my back to try and make me feel better. 

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just want to leave." I declare.

Charles doesn't need more nonsense. He sees my expression and does not argue. We get to the car. Elise is worried. I hate to make her feel this way. Amelie's foot still hurts and has trouble getting to the car. Charles proposes for her to ride shotgun as there is more space for her foot to rest. This leaves Elise and I in the back.

During the ride, I receive a text. It's from Elise.

Hey, did I do something?

She obviously doesn't want the others to hear. She's very considerate.

No. I reply.

Elise looks at me all innocently and I start feeling guilt. I let my head fall on her lap and look up at her. This is my way of wanting to let her know I'm not mad at her. She smiles and takes my face with both her hands. She then plants a kiss on my forehead. Her hands start travelling to my hair. Elise caresses it very gently and this makes me forget about everything. Forget about the jealousy I just felt, the worries of F2, my love life, everything. She doesn't even know the effect this simple gesture has on me. It only has that effect because it's her. We spend the whole ride in the same position. 

We get home shortly after. It starts pouring like crazy. Charles and Elise decide they want to go on a run because apparently, it's more fun in the rain. I, on the other hand, stay inside with Amelie. We haven't talked to each other since the beach. I'm trying to find the best way to approach the matter. Slow and steady or rip it off like a band-aid? I'm not quite sure.

"Listen Amelie..." I start.

She looks sad. It's like she was waiting for this moment. She removes strands of her dark hair that were in her face and looks right at me.

"I know." Amelie interrupts me.

She uncrosses her legs and gets up from her seat to stand.

"How?" I ask her.

"Arthur, do you think I'm dumb? When we started going out, she was brought up in our conversations so many times. It didn't take long to figure out how much she meant to you. To be honest, I kinda hated her for it. I liked you so much that I was willing to take on a challenge to try and make you forget her. Maybe not forget her but try and change who your heart belongs to. When I met Elise, I understood immediately. I mean how could I not? She's gorgeous and one of the nicest girls I've ever met. That didn't stop me from thinking you might stay with me. I know it makes me look stupid to want to stay with a guy who doesn't truly want me. Just please do me this one favor. Tell her how you feel. Soulmates is a word I never use but I'll make an exception for you guys. You may see her all the time, but whenever you look at her, your eyes shine like the stars. You already met your soulmate, so why try to find someone else? She's right there. Go for it." Amelie finishes with a tear falling down on the side of her face.

I stand up and walk straight to her. There are no words to be said. I wipe her tear with my hand. 

We look at each other for several seconds.

"Thank you. For everything. You deserve a guy who will truly love you for who you are. I'm sorry for being a jerk. You're amazing." I state.

I kiss her goodbye. This was the right thing to do. The next thing is telling Elise how I feel.
We say our goodbyes and Amelie leaves the house. I'm left alone in my room staring at the ceiling.

In Between Two Hearts - CL and ALNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ