05| 𝚃𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗

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    The room is so silent that I swear you would be able to hear a pin drop.

I walk slowly towards them a bit before speaking.

"I guess you all weren't exactly expecting to see me walking and talking, for all I know you all most likely came back from your little family vacation to finally pull the plug", I say a daring smile on my face.

They all look at me in shock and bewilderment. As if they weren't expecting my audacity. They search my features and study my face intently as if I were a stranger.

"No don't say that Summer we would never-", Dillan says quickly his eyes holding such emotion.

"S-summer is that really you?", Elise says cutting Dillan off her face paled.

I don't answer my eyes instead land on Mom.

Mom looks traumatized and her eyes are wide and shaken

Diane runs towards me enveloping me in a hug, I shove her off rapidly not exactly harshly but with enough force to get my point across.

"What the hell Summer", Derek says disgust on his face the previous shock from seeing me disappearing instantly.

Everyone looks at me shocked Derek rushes over to his twin's side as if a push was the worst thing in the world.

"I've been waiting for you to show your true colors", Killian says with his usual short one-sentence responses.

I glare coldly at him which takes him back by surprise really not expecting it from me.

Dillan looks at me with sad eyes and almost fear.

"Wow Summer is this how you react to seeing you're own family after almost a year", Mom finally says raising her voice.

"Trust me I've already truly seen enough of who you all really are", I say with so much anger.

"The fuck are you on-", Diana tries saying.

"And family?", I question with a scoff.

"Well yeah what else are we", Elise says defensively.

"Anything but family, and if you still don't get it then simply fuck off", I say with disgust.

"Help us understand than", Killian says confused like he did nothing wrong.

"Let's just say you guys have successfully shown me that family doesn't always come first, in fact, it can come in damn last place for all I care, or better yet it doesn't even have to place at all", I say with no remorse or regret.

They all look at me like I'm deeply disturbed not even knowing what to say.

I scoff looking at them accusingly. They really don't know, do they?

Well they don't need to

"I'll be in my room", I say dismissively heading back up from where I came from.

I wasn't the same Summer I was before and they knew that.


I swiftly enter my room taking a deep breath.

I crash down on my bed and stare at the ceiling for about 5 minutes till I hear someone clear their throat startling me.

"Oh my God!", I say sitting up my hand over my heart, turning over to my right.

I had unfortunately just remembered Kai's existence.

"That sounded kinda rough, that's some family you have", he says scratching his head.

How to get away with murder please someone tell me, I need instructions specifically for gremlin-like boys named Kai.

"My family is none of your business and why would I ever even tell you anything", I say scoffing.

"I mean I should at least know a few things about you before we get down to business", he says leaning back his white tank top flexing over his wide shoulders.

What is he on about now?

"Wait what are you talking about?", I ask confused.

He walks over to me slowly and sits next to me on my bed and leans his face only a few inches from mine.

"A good fuck can help with stress", he says with a smirk on his face and a glint of amusement in his eyes.

This can't be real

he points to his lips and then puts his finger on mine hushing my oncoming protests.

I slap his hand hard causing him to hiss.

"I will never sleep with you, not in this life", I say disgusted immensely.

He then jumps away from me like I'm the plague and starts laughing.

"Calm down I was just kidding, remember I don't like rude women", he says looking at me up and down slowly.

He places his hand on his chin.

"I mean that could change in the future though maybe after you take a few therapy classes, you're attitude seems to be rooted in a lot of pain", he says with a chuckle.

I mean he's not exactly wrong there, but he started this whole thing by calling me a street rat. The attitude I'm giving him has nothing to do with my trauma.

"I promise you never in a million years would I even consider fucking you, now get the hell out," I say pointing to my window.

"Not gonna lie I'm a bit disappointed but trust me you'll come around eventually , schools in 2 weeks so I hope to see you then", he says with a wink completely ignoring my window heading out my room and down the stairs.

I start to panic a little due to my family most likely spotting him on his way out but then I remember I could care less about what they think.

Now my only concern would be school I had a lot of unfinished business to cover, and I mean a lot.


A/N: School is back from winter break for them in the story just so y'all know. also, let's see what business Summer needs to finish in the next chapters...

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