02 || Ice Queen

330 17 28

Sorry for the long wait! I know this chapter took a while but the thing is I wasn't satisfied with this chapter and kept struggling with it and then exams happened, I am still not so happy about this chapter but nonetheless, I am finally done with it! I guess this can be considered a small break from the angst... if you consider THIS a break lol. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!

P.S. I also changed the book cover in case you guys haven't noticed, this time it's my own drawing and probably my best drawing so far!


She looked up, shielding her eyes from the harsh sunlight. Erumi took another long breath and closed her eyes, attempting to clear her mind, the wind ruffling her hair gently as it brushed past her. It calmed her and made her feel at ease. She stood there for some time, basking in the warmth of the sun on her skin.

After a while, she let out a satisfied sigh and opened her eyes again, looking up at the bright blue sky, watching the birds fly by. Erumi smiled fondly, her eyes drifted back down – where she could see the people walking around, ready to go about their day. 

The streets were less crowded than usual, it was a rare but nice change of pace. No incidents. No rush. Just a quiet, uneventful morning. 

The young teenager walked forward observing the surrounding nature, her hair emitted specks of ice that drifted down her locks, letting it shimmer in the light. 

It wasn't often she got to relax. Far from it in fact. She rarely had time for herself, even less time when she was at home. But this… this was a perfect atmosphere to take a small break, enjoy the sun and focus on herself without having to worry about anything… at least, for a short while. 

How she wished moments like those would last. 

As she was getting used to the calm atmosphere a thunderous explosion interrupted the tranquil moment. Smoke began rising into the sky, covering the view of the sun and clouding it in layers of gray and black, and a burning smell spread in the air. The tiniest of grumbles escaped Erumi's lips, "Not again…" she muttered, running her hand through her locks. 

Just great…

Erumi thought with annoyance. She turned around, her gaze fell upon the rising smoke. She watched as a crowd gathered around, chatting and whispering as they looked at the large mass of fire caused by a villain, no doubt. 

There goes my peaceful walk…

Everyone moved quickly, rushing towards the scene. Before she knew it, she was being pushed left and right, Erumi tried to step out of the way only for more people to rush in. She maneuvered her way through the crowd, squeezing between them as they all walked in the direction of the explosion. Did they want to see what caused the commotion? Or did they simply want to see which hero would deal with the situation? Either way, she didn’t care. All she wanted was to go to school, or at this moment in time; get away from this damn crowd. 

When she finally managed to get away, the girl let out a long exaggerated sigh and then glanced back toward the smoke, she watched as people rushed to the scene. "This is ridiculous," Erumi muttered. It always shocked her really, how people could ignore their basic instinct of self-preservation and instead focus on the most insignificant things. 

Have they simply become too numb to it all? 

The girl closed her eyes and kept walking forward, trying to ignore the commotion. Her arm clenched into a fist to fight against the feeling of agitation. Sparks of ice slowly emitted from her hair for the briefest of moments before it dissolved into the air. 

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