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Ch 6: Prince Nino Ventura

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In the same motion, Nino grabbed Ben by his collar, pulling him away while he twisted the vampire's arm so unnaturally up his back that the vampire's bones cracked. Vomit collected at the back of Ben's throat, and he had to look away. Nino slammed the vampire into the wall, using his other hand to slam his face deeper inside, splitting the wall into splinters.

Ben's head pounded as he scrambled back, glancing at the woman's horrified face and the other vampire's stillness. Somehow, this seemed like more of a nightmare for them than Ben. He held his arm to his chest to help keep his heart from popping out.

"I told you, Brian's a vampire, didn't I?" Nino asked, his voice so even. After a silent beat, Nino slammed the vampire into the wall again, yanking on his arm. Another horrible cracking noise split the air and Ben flinched away. He didn't want to see this.

Nino said, "That wasn't a rhetorical question."

"You did," the vampire grunted.

"And who am I?"

"Prince Nino Ventura."

"Exactly, so if I say he's a vampire, what is he?"

"A vampire, sir."

"Great." Nino dropped him and the vampire struggled to stand, holding his bad arm with his good one. The other man grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and forced him outside. The woman preserved her smile. "He'll be dealt with."

"I imagine so." Nino fixed his clothes and scowled at her. "We never spoke."

She bowed and took her leave from the store too. Ben let out a relieved breath and full-on hugged Nino. He thought he earned it.

"Can I see your arm?" Nino asked in the smallest voice. His brows were scrunched, and Ben held out his arm. It was red, threatening Ben with a future bruise. Nino's touch was so gentle, it was like he didn't want to touch him at all. "I'm sorry. This was stupid. I should've taken Evie by myself. We can go back to the apartment right now."

Ben smiled, his heart calming. Ben touched Nino's face anyway, weakly smiling as all the adrenaline fizzled out like flat soda. "No. I wanted to come with you guys. Furniture shopping is fun."

"Are you okay?" Nino asked, his brow still furrowed.

Ben nodded. Nino didn't linger in Ben's hold for long. "How about you?" Ben asked, and he did it again. He made Nino's brow furrow so deep. The times when Ben could make Nino smile seemed to be long gone.

"You're asking me that?" Nino returned Ben's question with another. He looked at Ben like he just grew an extra head.

"I know you don't like that stuff," Ben said, remembering the way Nino told Bianca he wasn't proud of their family. He could feel Nino being upset. "If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have to do that stuff."

"Let's not play the blame game. I'm competitive." Nino smirked again and turned out of Ben's touch. He went to the door and retrieved Evie. She scurried inside and she couldn't soak in enough of the store. Her hands were back in front as she fussed with her fingers.

"Um..." she spoke up. "Maybe, we should go home."

"What?" Ben looked down. "No way." He bent down to her level and tilted his head, trying to meet her eyes. "Forget it. We are not leaving here until we find you a new bed frame, a nightstand, a dresser, and maybe a desk, okay?"

Evie glanced at Nino to make sure. He nodded. "Yeah, kid. Go nuts. Pick out whatever you like."

"Whatever I like?" she echoed.

"Anything you like. I promise," Nino said, placing his hand over his slow beating heart.

"I don't know... I'm not sure..." She looked around at the big empty store.

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