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It was the day of the party. I wake up tired, my pillow still wet from the tears I had shed...

So the time has come...

Strangely I didn't feel any anxiety...

Like the lamb that knows its about to be sacrificed...

Maybe somewhere deep down, I was also prepared for my fate...

Or maybe the fear of uncertainty has paralyzed me...

My freedom, my life, my dreams everything being taken away from me...

The life that I build so dearly...The small apartment that I used to clean and decorate so cheerfully...

The job that I was so proud of...

Truly did it all mean absolutely nothing to my parents?

Is a woman's worth only decided by her husband and children?

"Are you up Lisha?" I hear my mother's voice from outside.

"Yeah..." I answer and then open the door.

And the first thing she asks is...

"Why didn't you go to the parlour yesterday?" She asks.


"I thought you went but then they had called me during their closing hours saying you never showed up!"

"Oh...I was tired so I fell asleep..."

"Geez...you should be more careful! That was one of the best parlours in the city and its so difficult to get a booking over there!"


"Anyways after much convincing I have managed to reschedule an appointment today! Make sure to go right now!"


"Don't miss it!" She says for one last time before leaving.

I let out a sigh...

"I didn't have dinner last night but you never..."

I gulped a lump down my throat...

It was my own expectations...

After brushing my teeth and grabbing my breakfast, I leave for the parlour...

Where they spend hours on dolling me up...

My brown eyes decorated with sparkling eyeshadow, thick mascara and liner...

My lips stained in gorgeous red...

My brown hair curled up into a loose bun adorned with flower pins...

I never had such heavy makeup done to me, I almost looked like a different person!

After reaching home my mother hands me over a gorgeous backless red dress.

"I spent my personal savings to buy this dress...This will look very beautiful on you!" She smiles.


"You need to capture his heart, Lisha! We are placing all our hopes on you! We need to make this marriage work and keep the Leon's under our grip!" My mother says.

Expectations, Burdens, greed...

Is that what a parent feels towards their child?

Do I really not deserve an ounce of your affection?

"What are you doing?? Wear the dress quickly, we'll leave in a few minutes!" My mother rushes me.

"Okay..." I nod.

My One Night Stand With The Mafia BossWhere stories live. Discover now