future rose

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A huge expedition ship is shown as a crane was pulling a chain through the water as before another crane was shown lifting the subs out of the water. Everyone cheers as the safe is pulled out the ocean as it rains water before the crane slowly swings it over.

"Cha ching"lewis yells as he high fives with another crew member as they walk over to the safe that is being slowly lowers.

Brock that hugs a man who had sun screen on his noise while wearing a jacket "we did it, bobby we brought it back, baby"he says with a laugh as many crew men and women join around."oh yeah who's the best? Who's the best baby"lewis cheers.

A couple of men gently set down the safe that was in a net before the net drops. They use a saw to cut through the rusted lock as sparks fly as cigars and champagne was being shared.

Once they cut through it the saw was set down as they hook an hook on the handel"okay crack her open"brock says as the man pulls hard pulling the whole door off as brown iron water pulls up showing everything inside the safe rotting as a few crumbling papers slide right out.

Brock kneels down in front of the safe that was still cold from the ocean as a pulls a few things out starting with some old papers before tossing it aside before pulling out more paper that has been submerged in water for 84 years as he tossed the crumbling papers before pulling a planer that was filled with drawings before tossing it aside he feels around but what he does see isn't there as he sighs in disappointment.

"You know boss this same thing happened to geraldo and his career never recovered"lewis opens his big mouth.

"Does he ever take anything serious "Rebekah asked annoyed.

Brock stand s back up"turn that camera off."he says as the camera glitched before shutting off.

A room was showed as a group of people were handling the items they have found in he ruins of titanic.

First can be seen as a women gently lifts the portfolio filled with drawings as she Handel's it with care. The first drawing they pulled out that was covered in gunk haven been in the ocean since 1912.

The women gently sprays water on to it as the gunk comes off it showing of two women who smiling hugging each other. One women has red curly hair that was pinned up as she wore a beautiful 19th century dress next to her was a dark haired female as her hair was pinned up elangent with as she wore a dress front the 19th century.

Everyone gasp looking at the drawing of nelanie and rose that had been lost at sea for 84 years they looked like they were going for an evening dinner.

Rose and nelanie smile remembering the day before how he had drew that picture.

The women sets the picture to the side before working on the next one which was the same red headed woman who was layed out on a couch posed naked but with a heart shaped jewel necklace around her neck.

Many males whistle only to yelp when they are smacked in the back of the head.

Ruth scowls turning to her daughter "that is not how a woman should act a one to married to be exact."she says with a snobby attitude.

Rose and nelanie rolled there's eyes before the vampire turned to the arrogant women "shes her own person Ruth how about insted of trying to marry off your 17 year old daughter to a man in his thirty's you act like a god mother one that understands her feels and not a selfish bitch."nelanie says as Ruth stares eyes wide and mouth gap.

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