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Obsessive love ~ chapter 5 <3

• Alia Knight

"Would you quit picking fights with Lilah?" Rafe asks as he falls into step with me.
The sun was setting and we spent most of the day on the beach, we were slowly walking up the dock leading back to Toppers house. The warm breeze blew through my hair as I walked.
"I'm not the one starting it." I mumble, "Well you're the one tha-" He starts and I stop walking to face him, "God you're so both fucking annoying, you're perfect for eachother, when's the wedding I'll make sure to wear white." I say with a cheerful smile as I speed up my pace to get away from him.

Rafes catches up to me with no trouble, "Go walk with your girlfriend." I sigh as I continue walking. "She's not my girlfriend." He says, grimacing as if the thought of them being together would make him hurl.
"You might wanna tell her that." I shrug and he sighs, "I don't date."

"Yeah makes sense, who would wanna date you." I gag as I look at him, he stops walking and stares at me, "Everyone." He says and I start laughing hysterically, "Yeah everyone who belongs in a mental institution." I start walking again and he falls back in line with the rest of the group.



"I'm telling you she's gonna beat our asses when she finds out." Topper insists. We were sitting outside the sheriffs office, waiting for Sheriff Perkins to take his statement.
"Let her." I shrug and he lets out an exasperated sigh. "When I say beat our asses, I mean she's gonna hunt us down and kill us."

"He had it coming to him." I mumble. "If she can't see that then maybe she should just marry her pogue boyfriend and fully become one." I mutter, still not understanding what she got from hanging out with them all the time.
"She's practically there anyways, few more months hanging out with them and she'll probably never speak to us again." Topper yawns as he checks the time. I look over at him, narrowing my eyes. "Yeah, that's not gonna happen." I mumble.

"Why do you care? Every time she's around you look like you want to shoot yourself." He laughs and I look up as the door swings open. JJ walked past us, making eye contact with me for a split second before continuing on his way.
"I'll be back." I mumble as I stand up and begin following behind him.
"Rafe-" Topper begins to call out, but I only had one voice in my head at the moment, and it wasn't his.

There used to be moments when I completely let go, when other emotions didn't exist, when all I could feel was pure rage. Those weren't just moments anymore. Those "moments" fully engulfed me, they became my reality, and that's when everything turned off. When everyone around me just became speed bumps that constantly got in my way. No one is able to turn it off, no one can make me feel anything else. At least that's what I thought.
Alia Knight •

A few hours later, I was sitting at the chateau with Kiara, Ash, and, John B. We were waiting for JJ and Pope to get back. The sun had fully disappeared into the night sky as i was sipping on a twisted tea and retired my sunglasses to the top of my head for the rest of the night.

I look up when I hear footsteps padding their way towards the fire. JJ and Pope both emerged from the darkness, the light from the fire danced across their faces and I could immediately tell JJ was not in a good mood. I narrowed my eyes at the bruise forming under his eye. His gaze caught mine and I stood up, I made my way towards him before grabbing his hand and leading him towards the dock.

We sit in silence for a few moments before I say anything. "Your dad?" I ask and he nods, keeping his eyes glued on the water. "They beat up Pope, I couldn't just sit there and do nothing, unlike some of you kooks. He says quietly, shifting his eyes to me slightly. I look at him, ignoring his last comment because I knew he was upset. We sit in silence again for a few moments as I try to piece two and two together, "They beat up Pope so you guys sunk his boat." I whisper and he nods once again. "Why the fuck would they do that?" I ask and he shrugs, "Not sure, he wouldn't tell me much." He mutters as he finally looks at me.
"You gonna yell at me for that too?" He asks. "Why would I yell at you?" I ask and he shakes his head with a small chuckle. "Why would I yell at you? Why would I ever think about leaving you? Why would I want to hurt you?" He scoffs.

"JJ, what are you even talking about??" I look at him, not sure where all of this was coming from.
"Do you even really want to be with me? I mean why did you even start going out with me? Was it to get back at your mom for giving you wealth and opportunities that I have to work my ass off the get? Or was it because you sleep around so much that you needed to start including the poor in your pool of men because all the rich guys on the east coast have already fucked you. Might as well get to 100 while you're ahead right? Check another name of the freakishly long list that grows everyday. You're so used to everyone complementing your looks and your body but what they don't know is that you starve yourself every fucking day to maintain that look. I mean Jesus, you spend so much time in the bathroom after a single meal, you tell everyone you're just fixing your makeup, but we all know the real reason why you're in there is becau-"

But I don't let him finish. "Shut. Up." I mutter under my breath. I feel his hand grabbing my chin as he forces my head towards his. "You wanna say that again? Cause I couldn't fucking hear you." He snarls and I can smell the alcohol wafting off his breath. "Oh so now you wanna stop talking! Fucking finally, i'm sick of you whining about how terrible your life is." He moves closer to me, "Might as well learn how to close your legs while we're at it-"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I shout as I push him away from me, before I can even process what was going on, I felt a sharp sting across my cheek and my head whipped to the side, and suddenly i'm back. Back in my childhood room, crying and begging my mom to stop. I move my hand to my cheek and close my eyes to try and stop the tears from forming. I take a deep breath and turn my heel before walking back up the dock.

One thing about me, I never show others my weaknesses. I hadn't cried in front of anyone since my dads funeral, partially because no one could say anything that my mother hasn't said to me already, and because I had shut myself out from pretty much everyone so much that no one could say anything about me to hurt me because they didn't truly know me. JJ knows me. JJ knows what hurts and what makes me break, he knows the things that my mother says to me, the things she says that play on a constant loop in my head, and he fucking used it.

Obsessive Love : A Rafe Cameron FicOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara