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The tension between Brivania and Great Tundra was getting worse by the day. The countries were too close, their armies too strong. The borders were thin.

A treaty was the best case scenario.

Great Tundra didn't deal in the same way as they did. Their country was savage, wild. They spoke a dialect of the same language, but it was guttural, like a growl. Their cities were primitive, as they were nomadic, moving often within their borders. They wore animal skins and ate raw meat. They were uncultured and vicious. Powerful in battle, but simple.

Ella knew it was just a matter of time before either a war would rage, or a peace would be cemented.

Brivania chose the second option.

It was announced at the board meeting, or so she had heard. She found out later, from the gossip around the palace and finally during a dinner with her father.

"We're going to make peace with the Great Tundra." The king announced.

Queen Petunia gasped, as if it hadn't been obvious for some time now.

"I exchanged letters with their king, and we decided it would be best for it to be a treaty by marriage. They don't have this tradition, but I managed to convince him. He will arrive soon with his firstborn so that they can start courting." Vasil's eyes fell onto Ella. Her stomach sank. "You're our only unmarried child, Ella, and this treaty is important. You will marry the successor of the Great Tundra."

She swallowed uneasily. The food suddenly looked awful, making bile go up her throat. She nodded.

"It will be my honour." She said despite herself. "When will I get to meet my husband?"

"They will arrive in a fortnight. The king, his son and of course their servants. You two will court here. We agreed that you will remain in Brivania during your marriage, in a palace in Daram, near the border. His son will leave for Great Tundra, but will be visiting you as often as he would like. You'll also be required to visit Great Tundra whenever he requests. I did all I could to ensure you wouldn't have to live with those savages forever."

"I appreciate it."

"I know you will have to marry a brute, but just until you birth a successor. I doubt he'd be interested in much else."

Ella could imagine many things that would be of interest to a savage warrior, but she held her tongue.

"I expect you to be on your best behaviour and take his advances kindly, even if he is completely brutal about them. It is crucial. None of your little rebellious episodes."

"Of course not, father. I know how important this treaty is."

"Good. Make sure to prepare yourself for their arrival."

Ella was going to be ready. This was her role. Everything for her country.

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