Chapter One

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"You be safe out there alright? Lets not get our expectations up sweetheart."

"Yes father. I will be fine. And hey, maybe we could get a new horse with it. Arthurs been a bit off." The girl would turn to the white horse from her left, with a saddle and a fully stuffed bag on top of it.

He'd chuckle, "Of course Gen. Now remember, you only have-" Genevieve would overlap his voice

"One month, I know, i know. You've told me." She'd state in annoyance.

"Do you have everything?" She'd nod.

"Good." He'd say. Gen would look at the extending road that was also to the left of her. She'd take a big sigh, and look back at her dad, with crappy clothes, and a beaten appearance. Gen would extend her arms and wrap it around her fathers neck, for a warm embrace.

"Ill miss you." Murmured her voice, blocked by the fabric of his raggedy shirt. He'd hug her back

"Im sorry I put you through this sweetheart." He said in a regretful tone. She'd push back from the embrace.

"Dont be. Im doing this for you dad. For us." He'd wipe a tear from his eye. Genevieve would turn to the horse and push her foot up the stirrup, grab the sack and hop on the horse. The father would squint as the setting sun was facing towards him, and wave goodbye. She'd slash 2 times the leash and leave her house, knowing that she wont return soon. her Long, brown hair would flow while the wind moved it, with the sun beaming enhancing her amber eyes. It was a 5 hour trip.

***The sunny weather turned into a gloomy atmosphere.***

"A New Beginning; Kings share.." The man renounced, as he sat in a dimly lit room while holding a newspaper, his father next to him.

He'd keep going, "Do you realize you're stealing from them?" It was an inviting area until you chose to steal half of the land

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He'd keep going, "Do you realize you're stealing from them?" It was an inviting area until you chose to steal half of the land."

"Oh please," the king would scoff. It's not theft if it helps my economy. I require devotees. These scumbag citizens would obey any order I gave them. Plus, why would I steal when I already have a lot of money?" He sat next to a bowl of cherries, plucking the sour fruit off the stem and eating them one by one.

"Look on the bright side," the king would say. The place where we are staying is larger than our castle. And you'll meet a lot of new individuals. You require, uhm, sociality." He made a snapping motion with his fingers.

"Dad. Do you know why I'm not interested in social activities? Everyone wants to talk to me just to get my attention. And do you not recall what happened two years ago with your "suitor"? I'm not aiming to be like you."

"Who wouldn't want to be like me?" he asks. "I am the world's eighth richest man." He stated this with a cherry-stuffed mouth. Raymond would place the newspaper on top the dish of cherries. "In your world," he says, sighing. He'd get up by pushing his hands against the end of the chair.

"Yes. This will soon be my world, son." The greedy king said. Raymond would open the door, allowing a bright beam of light into the murky room. Behind the door was a lengthy corridor that extended both right and left. He'd take a left and proceed towards the kitchen.

Raymond has been subjected to his father's repeated, irresponsible use of power for the past 20 years. It disgusts him that he makes such snap decisions that when the time comes for him to reign, people would bring shame to his name. Raymond was a worrisome overthinker. On occasion, he'd drink away his continuous thoughts.

As he entered the kitchen, his gaze was drawn to the cabinet containing exquisite wines. He'd walk by all the workers who were making meals for him and his father, all of whom were staring at him with curiosity. He'd grab one of the glass bottles and cuff it between his arms as he approached the cupboard. He'd walk back, staring at the workers as they hurriedly turned their heads. As he exited the room with an unsignificant grin for the workers, his expression faded and his stride accelerated, headed towards the garden.

The garden was the one place he felt comfortable, away from the harsh environment inside. He had little time for himself because he was only one day away from moving to the country.
The garden was quite tranquil. It was located at the outermost back of the castle and was surrounded by lush nature.

There was a rock on which he'd sit and lean on, popping the cork of the wine and drinking the alcohol until every last drop filled his pain and perpetual desire for change in his life, because in 12 hours he'd remember everything once more and keep hold of the repeating, and agonizing methods of his life that would torture him day after day. He'd observe the place from miles away as the landscape of hills and villages became the only thing he could see as he drank each sip of wine. He pushed back his black hair, smoothing it out. A voice popped behind him. "Foods ready, sir." said one of the servants working in the palace. They had a british accent. He'd flinch to the voice.

Stating irritated, "For God sake, can't a man get any peace around here?" Raymond scoffed.

"I'm sorry sir. But you can't expect much quiet when there's over 100 servants doing their job 'ere."

"Well do your job and get out of here." It was like he was morphing into him father. The servant looked at him with displeasure, and walked away.

As he dangled his empty wine bottle, he wondered if the only thing that kept him on his feet was his addiction. He soon came to the conclusion to get up and make his way to the dining room, leaving his bottle on the grass.

Pacing to the dining room, Raymond was short of breath when he finally made it. Catching his breath at the entrance way, his father looked at him decievingly. On the table was a platter of rottisserie chicken, salad, escargot, and fruit. The king turned his head back to the table and looked at the salad infront of him. Before he could dig in, he noticed an olive sticking out. The fork on his hand slammed on the table.

"Who made this? Are you trying to kill me?"

"Oh, pardon my mishap sir. I never knew you disliked, olives."

"More than dislike. Detest. Get this rubbish out of here before I try to kill you too." The room went silent for a bit, with all the servants in shock. Might I add that there are always new servants entering the building, as some believe that being around the kind is hard, or the servants before just, suck.

The server hastened to get the plate out of the kings way, with the king wiping his hands on a napkin.

"Oh stop scaring the servants father. Theres only a certain amount of people who would actually work for you right now and I believe as of right now you lost one."

"Dont be so silly son! Once we move into Rapford, ill change all the laws as so everyone has to work for me!" Him smiling. The servants would look at both of them awkwardly.

"Rapford, Rapford, Rapford. Is that all you can talk about nowadays? I get that you adore your new land but must you blabber on about how important it is to you?"' The room was quiet for a second.

"Lets talk about you my son." The king went on, changing the topic.

"Have you found anyone you are interested in this past week?"

"No father, I haven't."

"Well you better get to work. I'm not living forever Raymond. We need to keep our generation going."

"But father, I-"

"Nuh-uh uh, I demand you to find a person to bond with once we move to Rapford, no exceptions." The king would click as the son put his head down, silently eating the food on the plate Infront of him.

Stolen Hearts & Broken CrownsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora