Chapter 3 - The Picnic

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 - 1 Year Later - 

A year had passed since I struck a deal with Harvey, and the secret of our nighttime training sessions remained tightly guarded. The creek continued to be my refuge, where I bathed my body and soul, shedding the weight of the world for a precious while. The routines of the outside world persisted, yet this hidden sanctuary provided a respite from the unending challenges of the apocalypse.

The world beyond the creek had evolved—sometimes for the better, often for the worse. Our community, though diminished, had become more cohesive as we navigated the challenges together. Under Harvey's guidance, the training I had undergone transformed me into a more capable and confident individual, allowing me to contribute to our collective survival.

Yet, even as I trained and improved, I knew that revealing our secret arrangement could shatter the delicate balance we had maintained. The trust that had grown between us could be compromised, and the consequences of exposure were too dire to contemplate. Harvey's family still relied on the secrecy of our pact, and my commitment to safeguarding their well-being remained unwavering.

During the day, I was a community member, contributing to our daily chores, sharing stories of our victories and losses, and helping wherever possible. But when night fell, a different role awaited me—a guardian in the making, molded by the lessons taught in the moonlit hours at the barracks and refined through the trials faced in the outside world.

The creek remained my anchor. Here, I found solace and clarity, my thoughts blending with the gentle babble of the water, washing away the dust of the day's endeavors. Here, I contemplated the balance between duty and secrecy, between survival and the essence of humanity that still clung to us even in these trying times.

As I gazed into the shimmering waters, I knew my journey was far from over. The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with challenges and dangers that no amount of training could fully prepare me for. Yet, I also knew that the resilience I had built, the bond I shared with Harvey, and the strength drawn from the creek's serene beauty would carry me forward.


Today was the day of the annual picnic that my father hosted to bring together one of every class. We used to do a huge bonfire, but without fail, it would attract zombies, so we stopped that tradition. 

As a family, we were heading out the door with different types of dishes made of different kinds of can food. My mother always knows how to turn them into something delicious. 

As we head down to the picnic tables under the willow tree, that woman defender stops before my family. 

"Hi, sorry to interrupt, but may I speak to Athena alone?" she asks. My father smiles.

"Oh, of course! Just meet us down there, you two, when you're done". I was confused. I haven't spoken to her since that incident last year. 

She pulls my arms towards the steps. 

"What was so urgent?" I ask as I pull my arm away from her grip

"I know your secret," she says. 

"What secret?" I ask. I sincerely have no clue what she was talking about. 

"Under the willow tree when everyone else is sleeping? Ring a bell? I see you practicing with Harvey. Don't lie". She raises her eyebrow. 

" I have no clue what you're talking about, honestly, and I need to put these beans down, so if you will excuse me.", I said as I turned to walk away. She turns me around. The beans fall to the floor. I scowl at her, knowing I must hear it from my mother. 

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