Chapter 9 Dream

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POV: Haven

I'm in a garden full of different types of flowers. It's dark. The moon lights the entire garden giving it a certain ambience. A glowing figure stands in the middle of the garden calling me over. I find myself moving closer to her.

Her hair is golden. She wears a long flower white gown. Her whole figure glows. "Hello my blessed." Her voice is calm and soothing. "Who are you?" I wonder out loud. "You will know in due time. Until then I have a message for you to deliver for me." She speaks

"What is it?" I ask her. "He's coming after the moon blessed. Protect her. Watch out for the alpha that got away the day of the attack." I memorize her message feeling the need to do so.

"Who is this for?" I ask. "Raphael my blessed." She says. Her body seems to fade into the night disappearing.

I wake up from this weird dream. I have this sudden need to tell Raphael about it. I look over to see that it's ten thirty. Raphael would be gone by now. Maybe I can get Jax to tell him for me. I don't know why but I feel ike it is urgent that I tell him this right away.

Yesterday I woke up in my room from my panick attack alone. I had this memory pop into my mind. I had never remembered this part of the attack before. There was two men and not one. I didn't tell Jax this but I was not only raped once but twice. The first one left before Jax got there.

I lied when I said that he was holding me down while the other one did what he did. They were actually fighting each other for me. The holding down part was the one that Jax killed grabbing me from the other guy. They both wanted me for themselves.

After dinner I had went right back to sleep. Now I'm awake again. I head down to the kitchen for some coffee and breakfast.

Once I'm caffenated and fed I go up stairs to shower and brush my teeth. Then I change into some fresh clothes.

I find myself in desperate need to tell Raphael about my dream. Its like it's eating at my brain. I try to ignore it for most of the day. Unfortunately it haunts me all day to the point I give up and go see Jax.

I go straight to him I his office. "Haven what a nice surprise." He smiles happy to see me. "Yeah I know." I say.

"Howbare you feeling today?" He asks. "Fine. There is something bugging me though." I admit. "What is it?" He asks knitting his eyebrows.

"Well I had this dream last night and I'm suddenly overcome with this need to tell Raphael your dad." Admit. He nod his head listening to me. "What was you dream about? Or do you want me to call him and you can tell him yourself?" He asks. I hadn't even thought about asking if I could talk to him on the phone.

I feel all excited at the thought of talking to him. "Can I talk to him?" I ask. "I'll tell you what. Here his number." He hands me a card with his phone number on it. I take it thanking him.

I leave to go home. When I get home I call the number on my cell. "Hello?" I hear after a few rings. "Um hello this is Haven." I say telling him who I am.

"Haven? Hey how are you?" He asks. "I'm fine. Thanks for helping me yesterday." I say. I really am thankful. He was the one who calmed me down. I just felt safe with him. I felt like I didn't need to be scared of him that I could just drop my guard with him. That feeling is what scares me.

"It was no big deal. So what can I do for you?" He asks. "Um this is going to sound weird but I have this weird dying need to tell you about my dream." I tell him. "Um ok. Let's hear it." He says.

I tell him the events that happened in my dream. "And then she said to tell you that he's coming. And to protect the moon blessed? Also to watch out for the alpha that got away in the attack." I finish telling him. I hear him whisper "yes moon goddess i hear you." What does that mean?

"Uh Raphael?" I say to gain his attention. "Hmm. Yes that is a strange dream did anything else happen?" He asks. "No." I tell him.

"Oh well ok. Did you want to maybe tell me something else?" He asks sounding hopeful. "No. Sorry I don't have anything else to tell you." I say. "OK I guess I will let you go then." He says sounding sadly. Why is he sad?

I hang the phone up feeling sad now. "Hey Haven." Dad says coming into the kitchen. "Oh hey dad. What are you up to?" I ask. "Nothing. I did want to have a little talk with you though." He says. "What kind of talk?" I ask.

"Well it's a little complicated. You see it has to do with your lost memories." He starts. "What about them?" I ask. "Well just I want you to always keep an open mind and remember that anything could happen. I know you have some of your memories from before that don't make sense. I just want you to start thinking about them." He says. "Why?"

"Because they may make more sense in the near future." He says. "Dad is something about to happen. What are you getting at?" I ask confused. "Nothing i just want you to remember what I said." He leaves the kitchen leaving me confused. I think its finally happened. I'm going mad. First mom talking weird the other day wanting to play cupid. Now dad. Then there's my dream. Let's not even mention anything to do with Raphael. Yep I've gone mad.

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