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Hi, I'm Jennie. I'm a ghost. I died 10 years ago. I died after fighting with my parents. I ran away from home the same day and the accident happened and I died. And now I'm skating down the sidewalk with a lollipop in my mouth. I know I'm a ghost and no one can see me I thought it would be better to be dead but it's worse no one can see me and I can't talk to anyone.

" What else can I do? I already did everything " I tell myself I better go to my store to buy clothes even if I'm a ghost I can still wear clothes I won't be naked in the middle of the street. I go to the store on my skateboard I arrive at the store, I use my skateboard in the store it doesn't matter it's not like they can see me. I stop and look a round the store I go to my favorite store. Walk to see some outfits I found 2 outfits that I like.

't have to pay I'm a ghost I do have money but there's no point of paying for them I grab the clothes and leave the store and go home I got home look a round, It hurts when I enter this house it hurts all I can remember is the fight I had with my ...

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't have to pay I'm a ghost I do have money but there's no point of paying for them I grab the clothes and leave the store and go home I got home look a round, It hurts when I enter this house it hurts all I can remember is the fight I had with my parents, that's all I remember after the accident.


" DAD WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND I'M NOT GOING TO LEAVE WHAT I LOVE MOST YOU CAN'T MAKE ME." I shout at my dad and he looks at me with a serious face.


" NO I'M NOT GOIGN TO LISTEN TO YOU THIS TIME I'M GOING TO PLAY IN THAT GROUP I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY " I shout at my dad I'm tired of him bossing me around.

" Son please just listen to you're dad " My mom. Says worried.

" No mom you should listen to me he cant boss me around all my life why do you always choose him over me I'm you're son mom" I say trying my best not cry.

" Son you have to understand what is best for you " My dad says calming down I just glear at him.

" All I understand is that you guy's don't what to soport me in what I love " I say with tears falling down my cheek.

" You know what mom and dad I'm leaving I'm not going to be with you guy's that won't even soport me in my dreams " I say graving my backpack and going to my up to my room to pack up my clothes

" Son what are you doing " My mom says crying she grabs my hand making me turn around and look at her.

" I'm going to leave I'n not going to stay here enymore " I say going back down and opening the door, I stop before I go out I turn around and look at my mom. I wanted to hug her and tell her how much I love her before I leave, but I don't think I can forgive her for choosing my dad over me. I turn back and leave I ran owey as far as I can.When I get tired of running, I stop to get some air, I see a light coming directly to me, I cover my eyes trying to see better what is coming directly to me. Before I could see what it was all went dark all I could hear was the sounds of an ambulance coming.


I fall to my knees and start to cry I hate it when I remember that I regret everything I wish I listen to them, It's to late I stand up and go up stairs and go to my room I sit in my bed and grab a picture of me and my parents. I hear the door open I look to see who it is.

A gril what is she doing here she turns around and was shock too see me she shouts and I cover my ears.

" WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE " She says scared to see me I was shock at what she said.

" Y-You can s-see me " I say stuttering and in shock she looks at me confused at what I said.

" What are you talking about " She says confused I tand up and walk towards her and she steps back I move my hand just to test if she could see me and she looks at me confused she. She tried to hit me but her hand went directly over mine, she looked at me surprised I tried to do the same with her hand but it went over me she can't touch me but I can.

" H- how is this possible " She says and I giggle at her reaction she looks at me, then the door open it was a man.

" sweetie are you okey I heard you yelled " The man says he looks like her dad she looks at me then at her dad.

" You can't see him " she says pointing at me and looking at her dad her dad looks at her confused "What are you talking about sweetie there is no one there are you okey " her dad says to her I giggle at what her dad said she turn around and glear at me and I stop.

" N-never mind dad you can leave " she says to her dad and he nods and leaves when her dad left she look at me confused I smile at her I'm happy that somone can see me after 10 years.

" How can I see you but my dad can't " She ask me still confused. " I'm a ghost I don't know how you can see me but I'm happy you can it's been 10 years that someone last look at or talk to me " I say to her and she look at me still confused I don't think she believe me.

" How is that possible you cant be dead because I can see you " She says but I just shrugged my shoulders I don't know how she can see me but I know I'm happy that she can see me.

" What's you're name if you don't mind me asking " I say with a smile she looks at me and then walks towards the bed and sits down. " I'm Lisa I just move here I'm form Thailand I'm 19 years old.

" Well Lisa I'm Jennie kim but you can call me RJ for short I'm 21 years old " I say with a smile in my face.


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