Chapter 15

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I finish wrapping my hijab before looking at my phone to check the time. 12:01pm it read and just then Ziyad's name flashes on my phone.

"Hello?" I pick up.

"Hey I'm outside, let me know when you're done." He says.

"Oh I'll be out in a second." I say and hang up.

I grab my bag and spray on a little perfume. I place the bottle back on my dresser before going to my window,I look out and see Ziyad standing outside the car leaning on the driver's door looking at his phone. He had a black button up shirt on that one can swear is way too small for him because of how it wrapped around his biceps. He also had a white face cap on and a pair of black shades with black matching pants.

I walk out after saying goodbye to mama and just then Yusra's school bus drops her off and she comes running to me. She jumps into my arms and I pick her up kissing her cheeks.

"How was school my love?" I ask her.

"Boring" she says with a failed attempt to roll her eyes making me laugh.

"We'll talk about it when I get back okay? Now go inside." I drop her and she leaves after waving bye.

I look in Ziyad's direction and find him already looking at me with a smile. He stands straight putting both hands in his pockets. I walk to him.

"Assalam alaykum." I say and he answers.

"All set to go?" He asks and I nod saying "yes."

I walk to the other side of the car and then when I started contemplating on where to sit. I know he's my driver so I should sit in the back but then it feels kind of rude to sit there. He notices how I was still standing, looking back and forth between the front and back seat.

"Hidaya you can sit anywhere you want." He says bringing my attention to him.

I could see his eyes through his shades, he had a smile. I give a shy smile and reach for the back door instantly feeling horrible.We get in almost at the same time.

"Bismillah" he mutters before buckling his seat belt.

We were soon on the road, i was looking at my phone when he said something.

"Sorry?" I say not hearing what he said.

"I said we haven't discussed your school schedule and all." He repeated.

"Oh, I totally forgot. Is it okay if I just send it to you on WhatsApp?" I ask.

"Sure, no problem." He says.

"Okay, if there's anything you don't understand we can talk about it insha Allah." I say forwarding him my schedule on WhatsApp.

About five minutes later we arrived at the main gate. I shove my phone into my bag and swing it over my shoulder.

"So what time am I picking you up?" Ziyad asks.

"Before asr insha Allah, that's 3:30pm" I say looking at my watch.

"Okay, Allah ya kaimu." He says and I reply with "Ameen" before reaching for the door.

I give him a smile before closing the door, he drives off and I walk in. Upon reaching the class I see Zahra about to sit down but not in our usual spot. We make eye contact and before I could blink she frowned and looked away. I ignore and find a seat in the front row and settle in.


I was in the store signing a few delivery papers when my alarm went off. '2:30' it read. I had to leave now so I could make it to the university in time.

I sign the last paper and stack it with the rest, tidy up the table a bit before getting up. I see Yusuf walking past the office and I call his attention.

"Yusuf, I just signed the papers. The rest is with Mubarak, we'll swing by later insha Allah." I hand him the office keys.

"Yes sir, drive safe." He says and I nod with a smile.

Now let's go pick up Miss peaches.


I park the car once I get inside the school and dial her number, it rings a few times before she picks up. I let her know I'm outside and she says she'll be out soon.

I turn on the AC and close the windows before she arrives. I check my messages to pass the time.

Message from Mubarak

"Ayo mr loverboy, I tried calling you but network is crappy. Call me when you get this."

I dial his phone and picks up after the first ring with a salaam.

"Oh yeah I left the message earlier...send these to the lab please."  He says after we exchange greetings.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah I just wanted to check on you, I'll be dropping in after my shift insha Allah." He says.

"Thanks bro, that's real kind of you."  I smile. "What time will you be coming? I'm not at home right now." I look at my watch.

"Ooh where you at?" He asks curiously.

"I'm at Hidaya's school." I say hoping he doesn't say someone to make fun of me.

"My regards please."

"Will do insha Allah." There's a light tap on the window that gets my attention. It was Hidaya.

"I gotta go, call me later okay?" I say.

"Same I gotta go tell these lucky parents their kid does not have the chicken pox." I laugh before ending the call.

She gets into the front passenger seat with a salaam making me smile unconsciously. I noticed she had a slight frown on her face, I don't say anything until we get on the road.

"Is everything okay? You seem sad." I ask a bit concerned.

"I did as you advised." She says with her head down.

I glance at her with a confused look. We make eye contact and she almost immediately looks away before saying.

"My friend, I talked to her about her brother and let's just say it didn't end well. She thought I was lying." She says the last part throwing her hands in the air.

"I'm really sorry that happened. You did your part by telling her and that's more than enough." I say trying to console her.

"Yeah well... good thing is we'll be graduating in less than a month. Which reminds me, we're starting our final exams next week and it's gonna get a little crazy. So...just giving you a heads up." She looks at me with her lips pressed into a flat line.

"Don't worry, I'll be a call away if you need anything insha Allah." I say.

The car goes silent for about a minute, I notice her head down and she still looked sad. An idea comes to my head. I check my watch and it read 3:57, there was time.

"Would it be okay with you if I took you somewhere?" I ask wincing at the thought that she might say no.

"Where would that be?" She asks.

"Just a place I know nearby." I say, she seemed skeptical about it so I assured her. "It won't take long I promise."

"Okay then." She replies with a small smile.

I celebrate in my head. I hope she loves this.

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