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Complete silence was prevailing in gasper mansion which is completely opposite of the usual hustle bustle.
The maids and servants were working so silently, not wishing to die any time soon since from the time they received the call several emotions were seen on the brothers face which is different and terrifying as they are know for their blank face and stoic expression. Even the troublemaker of the house,ledger, is so quite that if anyone is to enter the house, their breathing and footsteps would echo around the mansion.
But the thing which left everyone even the maid and other worker dumbfounded was that the workalic elder brothers,acacia and Hayes were still home sitting on the couch without any laptop of phone, thinking deeply about something. Ledger who always sleeps during the day time is wide awake and magnus who is usually locked up inside his lab didn't enter there even once since the sunrise.

Ophelia, who went on a two day trip with her friends or more like forced to go by her friends as well as her family, was shocked as well as amused to see her children in the living room together without any gadgets most importantly they didn't even notice her entrance.
She cleared her throat,still no response. So she went towards acacia and shake him.
Acacia who was in his thought was startled when someone shook him.
"Acacia son what happened dear. Is everything OK?"
Hearing their mothers voice, the other brother can out of their thoughts.
"Mom we need to tell you something"
"Yes acacia tell me what happened"
"Mom we received a call, the person on the other side claim to have Phoenix with him, I don't know if I should believe him. I don't want to have my hopes high just to get disappointed."
Hearing the news Ophelia was shocked. she closed her eyes and when she opened her eyes, it was filled with tears, ready to be spilled.
"Please bring my baby to me acacia i.i... I want my baby please" saying this she kneeled when her legs gave out.
Ophelia is an emotional lady but she had to keep this strong facade for her children and husband. That strong facade broke as soon as she heard about her daughter,her sunshine.

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