Chapter 37

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Siya's pov:

The sun was shining brightly on the day of the baby's name function, and the whole family was in high spirits. The house was decorated with colorful balloons and streamers, and the smell of delicious food filled the air. After a bath, the baby and us Zian and I wear new clothes.

We had invited all of our family and friends to celebrate the naming of our baby Boy. As the guests arrived, we were greeted with warm hugs and big smiles.

The living room was filled with people, all chatting and laughing and enjoying each other's company. I was holding my baby in my arms, and the baby was looking around at the people with wide, curious eyes.

The naamkaran begins with a puja a havan and prayers are offered for the baby's health, happiness and long life. The pundit ji also draw out the baby's horoscope and pray for the child. After the religious rites are over, Zian and I whispers the baby's name in his ear.

"Vihaan" Zian announced the name of our baby to family members and guests. After the ceremony, prasad is offered, and everyone blesses the baby and offers gifts.

Suddenly, the room fell silent as Zian stood up to make a speech. "Thank you all for coming to celebrate this special day with us," he said. "We are so grateful to have you all here, and we are especially grateful to have our beautiful Son, Vihaan, with us today."

The guests all cheered, and I smiled proudly, holding Vihaan.

"We chose the name Vihaan because it means  "dawn" or "sunrise." When Vihaan arrives, we'll wake with his positive and sunny personality," Zian continued.

"And we believe that our Son will grow up to be a beautiful, talented, and creative person."

The guests all nodded in agreement, and I added, "We hope that Vihaan will always find joy in life's little moments, just like we have found joy in him."

As the speeches came to a close, the guests all gathered around to take pictures and admire the beautiful Vihaan. He looked up at them all with a peaceful expression, as if he know that he was surrounded by love.

And as the party continued on, Zian and I felt a sense of gratitude and happiness that we know would stay with us for years to come.

We came back in our room, Zian went to freshen up and I was changing my ten-day-old son's diaper, I couldn't help but talk to him. He was so tiny and fragile, and I wanted to make sure he know just how loved he was.

"Vihaan," I said, cooing at him as I wiped him clean. "How's my little man doing today?"

My son looked up at me with his big, bright eyes, and I can see him trying to focus on my face. I smiled at him, tickling his toes gently.

"You know, I'm so glad you're here," I continued, reaching for a fresh diaper. "I've been waiting for you for so long, and now that you're finally here, I can't imagine life without you."

As I carefully fastened the new diaper in place, Vihaan let out a tiny little coo, as if in response to my words. I couldn't help but feel my heart swell with love for this precious little life.

"I promise to always be here for you, no matter what," I said, scooping my son up into my arms. "I'll be your biggest cheerleader, your shoulder to cry on, and your guide through all of life's ups and downs."

My son looked up at me with a contented expression, and I know that he could feel the love in my words. I held him close, rocking him gently back and forth.

"Life is going to be full of challenges, little one," I said, my voice soft and soothing. "But I know that you're going to be strong and brave and kind, just like your daddy."

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