Chapter 6

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I walk up to one of the officers at the scene hoping he can help me.

"Um excuse me sir, what's happening?" I ask with a quiver in my voice showing my fear.

The tall guy looks at me with pity.

"You don't happen to be Alina Evans do you?" He asks.

I just nod in reply to him. He then sends me over to another police officer who directs me to a cop car. I try to ask what has happened but no one will answer or even talk to me.

I just stay silent worrying.

After some time I'm taken to an interrogation room. It's cold and smells of antiseptic spray. I know that there's someone behind the glass mirror in the room.

Luckily it doesn't take long for 2 cops to come in. They have many files that they lay out on the table and I have to wonder whether I have done anything wrong.

They both have stern looks on their faces and I have to admit I'm scared.

"Alina Evans, correct?" Officer 1 asks me.

"Yes sir. What happened to my foster parents? Am I being sent somewhere new? No one is telli-" I try and ask my question but I don't get very far.

"All will be explained as long as you answer these questions" officer 1 replies.

Officer 2 continues the conversation.

"Did your foster parents ever fight?"

I think about it. They rarely did as they were too busy beating me up. If they did it was because the other didn't split the alcohol or the drugs fairly.

"No not really. They were really in love, it was very sweet." I lie and put on my best smile which they seem to believe.

I don't really want to tarnish Emma's name in front of her co workers no matter what happened.

She might find out about it and I can't risk that.

I also don't want them finding out the truth.

They look to each other and I think I see some sort of relief?

"Unfortunately your foster parents passed away this evening due to a car crash. There was no collision and it is currently under investigation. Some think Emma and Jason were fighting and lost control or the car needed maintenance. Your statement has been very helpful as you have told us there is no obvious conflict for them to have lost control of the car." Officer 2 explains.

"Is there any way they could have been under the influence at the time?" Officer 1 asks.

I'm too stunned to speak. They're dead! I'm free. They can't hurt me anymore!

I have to hold on to my smile so I don't look suspicious.

As I think of the freedom I think of the damage I'm unable to escape. My body is littered in scars, words, bruises.

I'll never be able to forget them. My worry grows as I think of my future. What if I'm placed with worse people?

Will my suffering continue?

I'm brought out of my mind as the officers try and get my attention by waving their hands in front of my face.

I clear my throat but the worry is obvious on my face.

"Um no. They drank occasionally and in special occasion but not frequently." I reply to the officers earlier question.

I could snitch now that Emma's dead but I don't.

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