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imessage and narrative

before: edwardsville, illinois


Did you tell her?
We're leaving in the middle
of June

i don't want to tell my
only friend that i'm moving
and we won't get to ever
see each other

Honey, you have more friends
than just her

yeah, her brother and sister.

I know you don't want to
But she needs to know

i gotta go, teacher is
walking around

I slip my phone into my back pocket, hoping our teacher, Mrs. Oliver, didn't see. I'd gotten my phone taken many times in her class and it's the last day of school, I really don't need that. She doesn't like me very much, but she does like my best friend, Kate Martin, so that helps in some situations.

Kate is sitting in front of me right now, working on an assignment that won't even be graded. The teacher just wanted us doing something because "we're still learning on the last day." I hadn't learned a damn thing through the entire Geography class.

It's our last class period too, which means everyone is antsy to leave. Thinking about what my mom texted me, I tap Kate on the shoulder and she turns to me, acting like she's helping me on a question, "What's up, Reya?" she asks.

"I need to talk to you after school," I tell her, picking at my nail polish.

She nods, furrowing her brows, "Is everything okay?" she asks and I nod.

Kate turns back around in her seat, leaving me to contemplate what I was going to say. I look down at the paper in front of me, barely even touched.

After what feels like forever, the bell rings and we all have to turn in our assignments. Mine was not done, not a single question answered actually. Even if she was to put it in as a grade, it wouldn't change my current grade much.

Kate is waiting for me outside of the classroom and we make our way outside in silence, not needing to grab anything from lockers, "What's up?"

I let a sigh escape my lips. I should have told her when I found out a month ago, "Um," I start, biting the inside of my cheek, "I'm moving."

"You're moving?" Kate asks, stopping in her tracks which makes me stop walking, "Where to?"

I wet my lips, not wanting to talk about this, "Dad got a directing job in Los Angeles, we're leaving in the middle of June."

I stare at my feet, waiting for her to respond, "Well, we still have a little bit, right?" she asks and I nod. We have just under a month to spend together until my family and I pack up and leave, "Can you look at me?"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier," I say, finally looking up at her. She smiles which makes me smile.

Kate grabs my hand, my stomach turning to knots at her touch. Why was that? She pulls me into an embrace, "It's okay. We'll make the best of it," she says and I nod, hugging her back.

We start to walk again, soon enough being joined by my older brother, Caspian. The three of us have to stop by the middle school to get my little brother, Elias. We all normally walked home together since we all lived on the same street and everything, it was nice.

june 18th

hey, we made it to LA
miss u :)

june 20th

heyyy just wanted to check in :)
what's up?

june 30th

i miss you

july 5th

what is going on??

july 11th

you're just never gonna
talk to me again huh?

august 1st

hope your season goes well
this year, i miss you

load more messages. . .

author speaks
i kind of hate this but it's fine

¹ two people,  kate martin Where stories live. Discover now