S3xE8: Double Date Danger

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A/N: This re-write is going to be vastly different from the show due to the original plot being Henry and Jasper having a crush on Miss. Shapen's niece, Noelle. Obviously that is not going to work here, so everything needed to be changed big time.

Henry, Dylan, Jasper, and Charlotte were all gathered by Henry and Dylan's lockers. They were discussing the idea of Henry and Dylan sharing their lockers with one another. Charlotte didn't think it was necessary because of how close they were located, while Jasper thought they could use both lockers as one mega locker for the ultimate amount of space since they were right next to each other. Both Henry and Dylan agreed that Jasper was onto something. They were about to make plans to speak with the school's maintenance guy but their teacher, Miss. Shapen, started yelling at everyone to get to class.

The four started making their way to their first period, like Miss. Shapen had shouted at everyone to do, but she stopped them. Her main focus was on Henry because she needed to ask him for something. Miss. Shapen's niece, Noelle, was visiting Swellview and she wanted her to stay at Henry's house for some reason. He rejected the idea instantly, not wanting a stranger staying at his house, let alone a stranger related to Miss. Shapen.

Noelle walked into the school and immediately Jasper was attracted to her, saying that he could have Noelle stay at his house because Henry didn't want her to.

"I told Henry to do it." Miss. Shapen told Jasper.

"Well I don't want to." Henry told his teacher for the fifth time.

"Why not? It's not like anyone else is staying there at the moment."

"Actually there is."


"Dylan." Dylan was not staying at Henry's house, but he told that to Miss. Shapen to get her off his back.

"I am?" Dylan asked but quickly realized his mistake after being glared at by Henry. "I mean, I am! I'm staying with him for two days." Henry cleared his throat to let Dylan know that it needed to be longer. "Weeks! I mean weeks. I'm staying with Henry for two weeks."

"Why?" Miss. Shapen pressed.

"Because... my mother isn't here." A technical truth.

"Where is she?"

"I don't know, I didn't ask questions."

"And you couldn't stay by yourself?"

"I get lonely."

"Well too bad! Noelle is staying with Henry."

"She can't stay with me, I already have company." Henry told her.

"Then you better make room for some more!"

"You can't do that! It's my house!"

"I just did!" Miss. Shapen was always a weird teacher and their conversation just proved it further.

They didn't know what to do at the moment. Dylan now had to stay with Henry for two weeks to make his lie come true in order to not throw off Noelle, who was listening to their whole conversation. Jasper was still pleading with Miss. Shapen that her niece could stay with him, but she told Jasper that she didn't like his house because she didn't like him in general.

The day was already off to a bad start.

After the school day ended Jasper was still arguing with Henry about letting Noelle stay at his house. Henry kept telling him that he couldn't just give her over in fear of Miss. Shapen failing him for not accommodating to her wishes. They argued all the way back to Henry's house, Dylan having to deal with it the entire way there.

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