Playing hard to get

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Emma POV:

Here's a little background about me, my name is Emma and I'm currently a sophomore at UConn and I'm majoring in exercise science. I grew up in Minnesota and my dream job is to be a strength coach for athletes.

I applied to be a student assistant strength coach for the Athletics here at UConn for multiple different sports, football, basketball, softball, baseball, soccer, lacrosse, literally everything. And I only got offered the job to be the student assistant for the women's basketball team unfortunately.

Now you are probably wondering, why aren't you happy about that? You just said that's your dream job. And yes you are correct. But you see there is a slight problem. It's two words. Paige. Bueckers.

I'm not sure if you picked up on it but I grew up in Minnesota. And as most people know, so did Paige.

But here is the problem, we don't get along. And the reason for that is because Paige and I always competed in the weight room in high school. I know it sounds childish but we would always see who could lift more, who could bench more, all that stuff.

It wasn't a friendly competition either. It was like the workout in silence and try to one up each other type of competition.

The thing was Paige tried to talk to me but I never really kept the conversation going. I just put on my noise cancelling headphones with my music volume up and did my workout. So yea, I came off as rude.

But there's a good reason for it. And that reason is because I may or may not have had feelings for her. And she made it obvious she liked me because she would always make flirty comments or just stare at me like a deer caught in headlights when we worked out. But there was no way she was ever going to find out that I liked her back.

And that's because she was the most popular girl in high school and I was a nobody who just liked working out. I wasn't about to get into a relationship with some basketball phenom that probably was the biggest player in the world since she could pull any guy or girl by just simply smiling at them.

So I took the rude approach and decided just not to talk to her. And of course I would slip up sometimes and admire her lifting weights and she would make comments about it. But I never gave into her. No matter how many times she asked me to give her a chance.

So yea that brings us to today. I just walked into the Uconn women's basketball facility and I'm greeted by the head coach Geno, the assistant coach CD, and the strength coach Hudy.

They all show me around and give me a quick explanation on what I'll be doing and assisting with and all that before Hudy and I break off from Geno and CD and she shows me her office along with the Gym since I'll be shadowing her conducting workouts with the team.

After a little bit Hudy and I headed back to the court where all eyes turned to me as soon as I walked in. Geno gathered all the girls and introduced them to me and explaining what I'll be doing and all that fun stuff.

I looked around at all the girls and they all seemed like a very nice group so I was nice and smiled back at all of them because I really want them all to like me because if not that will make my job a lot harder.

My eyes land on a certain blondes and the second we make eye contact she already starts smirking at me. And I just know that this is going to be a whole repeat of senior year of high school all over again.

As soon as practice is over I make my way out of the facility and I'm about to start walking back to my apartment when I hear loud footsteps running toward me and my name get called.

"Emma wait!" I hear from a voice I know all too well

I turn around and I'm met one on one with the blonde hair blue girl I thought I would never see or talk to again.

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