chapter three

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doom days
chapter three

The Lima Reservoir cast a soft veil of morning mist across the landscape, lending an air of tranquil mystery to the start of the day. At the clock's hands rested on ten o'clock, while the temperature hovered around a brisk fifty degrees Fahrenheit. Riley, summoning his strength, groggily ventured out of bed, the allure of a shower beckoning him into motion.

Amid his sluggish preparations, a rap on his door resounded. As the door creaked open, Carl emerged on the metal steps of the camper. The sheriff's hat crowned his head just as it had the day before, his attire mirroring his previous choice. If possible, his hair seemed even oilier in the subdued morning light.

A hesitant pause settled between the two, a moment filled with more uncertainty than animosity. The conversations they had shared around the fire lingered in Riley's memory, tangled with his own guarded emotions.

"What's up?" Riley's words carried a note of caution, a fragile equilibrium that could easily tip into an argument.

Carl drew in a breath, sensing the slight edge in Riley's tone. "George told me to come by for clean clothes. He mentioned we're about the same size."

With a sigh of annoyance, Riley's next actions were without a word of further exchange, he stepped aside, allowing Carl entry into the camper for the first time. The door closed with a polite hush as Carl crossed the threshold.

Riley nodded toward his closet, a silent invitation for Carl to peruse as he wished. While the older boy browsed, Riley collected his shower necessities, placing them in a plastic bag already laden with the fresh clothes he intended to don post-shower. His curiosity piqued, he observed as Carl eventually selected a black-and-blue plaid flannel from the choices before him.

"What was last night all about?" Riley probed curious and perhaps irritated.

Carl's hands moved more deliberately through the closet, his fingers trailing over hangers as he sought out his choice of clothing. Eventually, he extracted a gray T-shirt, the fabric bunching slightly as he closed the closet door behind him. Turning to face Riley, he raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me. I heard you talking before dinner. You practically told your dad and Michonne that you don't give a damn about me, and somehow, you got away with it," Riley shot back, his words edged with sharpness.

Carl's expression didn't change, but a hint of tension entered his shoulders. "And why does that bother you?"

Riley's eyes rolled, a hint of exasperation in his sigh. "Because you act all friendly when your dad's around, but the moment we're alone, you turn into a jerk. No wonder I don't exactly feel like being buddy-buddy with you."

Carl's nonchalance was infuriating. "That's my problem how? You're the one who started this whole thing."

"Don't even try to twist this. At least I'm honest about how I feel about this situation," Riley retorted, his voice sharpening.

Carl's eyes narrowed, a spark of defiance flashing within them. "Sure, honesty. More like a lack of tact. You're more ridiculous than Hank and Daryl combined"

"Oh, like you have room to talk," Riley fired back, his patience wearing thin as he locked gazes with Carl. "And don't drag Hank into this. You have no idea what he's really like."

Carl's shrug was dismissive. "Doesn't change the fact that you're being ridiculous. I put effort in last night, not my fault you didn't take it."

"How mature. I tried to be nice, I let you carve the pumpkin" Riley said, his cheeks not helping hide his anger

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