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While I did my homework at the library, I kept thinking about the scary message from Milan last night. It made me feel anxious because I knew I had to go back to the mansion today...and every other day. I tried to focus on my schoolwork and the library's calm atmosphere.

The library was a peaceful place where people could find knowledge. There were tall bookshelves filled with books on many topics. The smell of old paper and leather bindings gave the place a nostalgic feeling. The sunlight came in through big arched windows, and I could see dust particles floating in the air. Outside, there was a beautiful garden with colorful flowers, providing a quiet escape from the busy world.

Even though I tried to concentrate on my homework, my mind kept going back to Milan's strange message. He told me to come back tomorrow without making any mistakes, which made me feel uneasy and unsure about what awaited me at the mansion.

Last night I followed the recipe I had to prepare today on YouTube. But I was still worried about my cooking skills. I hoped the library's comforting environment would give me the courage to face this challenge.

With a deep breath, I tried to focus on finishing my homework before going to the mansion.


As I sat behind the wheel, my heart still pounding from the near miss with the pedestrian, I couldn't help but curse at myself under my breath. "Come on, focus! Pay attention to the road," I scolded, trying to shake off the frightful incident. Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I reminded myself that I had an important task ahead of me at the Vasilios Mansion, and I needed to stay composed.

Feeling flustered, I glanced at the GPS to ensure I was on the right track. I had to remind myself to focus on the road and not let my nerves get the better of me. My eyes darted between the road and the GPS screen, making sure I didn't miss the next turn.

But of course, it wouldn't be my day as I almost took the wrong turn. "Seriously? Pay attention!" I scolded myself once again, annoyed by my own carelessness. Thankfully, I corrected my course just in time and followed the correct route to the Vasilios Mansion.

As I drove, I tried to clear my head and mentally prepare myself. I knew I had to deliver the dish he requested flawlessly, as any mistakes might have severe consequences. The pressure was immense, and it was hard to shake off the tension building up inside me.

Finally, I arrived at the huge gates of the Vasilios Mansion. The sight of the grand entrance only added to my nerves. I took a deep breath, trying to gather my courage, and greeted the stern-looking guard standing watch.

"Good afternoon," I said, my voice a little shaky but trying to sound confident.

The guard nodded in acknowledgment, scrutinizing me before allowing me to proceed. As the gates opened, I slowly drove into the vast and elegant estate.

No matter how many times I come here, I will always be in awe of the mansion and garden.

As I parked the car, I took a moment to gather myself. "You can do this. Just stay focused and do your best," I encouraged myself, trying to muster the determination I needed for the task ahead.

I stepped out of the car, making sure to tie my hair in a bun on my way to the kitchen.

As I stepped into the kitchen of the Vasilios Mansion, I felt a surge of both excitement and nervousness.

As I hummed a cheerful tune to myself, the sounds reverberated within the spacious kitchen.

I started by washing the vegetables, letting the cool water run over them, refreshing and cleansing. With a light-hearted chirp, I happily diced and chopped, the rhythmic sound of my knife hitting the cutting board adding a cheerful beat to my melody.

Fake It Till You Make ItHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin