Chapter 3

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Izuku was training in the Forest, as it had been 1 Week since his Escape and Freedom

'I should be ready, I have almost completly Mastered this Body and the Abilities, except for the Supernova. I don't get how it is made, but I have a Idea on how to Improve it' Izuku thought, as he started to fly back to UA

'Time to show them the True Emperor of this World' Izuku thought, as he smiled

Meanwhile back at UA, Izumi was being forced to Fight with Katsuki, Mineta was glad that she had atleast Slept the last days, Denki was glad she ate and Mei was glad that she was Physically at Peak Condition

The 3 weren't sure about her Mental state, but her Physical state was atleast Peak for now

'5% Full Cowl' Izumi thought, as she gained the Red stripes around her Body and powered up, as the Stripes vanish nad are replaced with Green Electricity flowing around her

'So she uses her Full Power already' Katsuki thought, getting serious, smiling like the Maniac he is

"START" All Might's Voice boomed, as the 2 Teens rushed at each other, as Katsuki uses a Explosion with his Right, only for Izumi to grab his Right, dodging the Explosion (both wear the Blue Gym Outfits, their own Boots and no Extras)

"Got you" she said, as she judo threw him over her Shoulder, as Katsuki layed there, he slowly stood back up and was Angry

He then used his Explosions, to outspeed her, blitzing past her, grabbing her by the Hair and then slamming her face first to the Ground, but she luckily used her Hands to stop it

Then did a front flip, taking Katsuki with her, only for him to use his Quirk and send her Flying

Just as she managed to land, Katsuki was infront of her and punched her in the Face, drawing blood from her, then kneeing her in the Gut

While Izumi then was on the Ground, she tried to get up, meanwhile Kirishima was beating up Denki, Tsuyu was beating up Mineta and Mei was knocked out by Tenya

'Hmmmm, so they truly are the only 3 to believe I am Innocent' Izuku thought, as he watched from a far

Katsuki then kicked Izumi in the Guts, from the Side, so she layed on her Back

"You know, if you beg me now and insult your stupid, piece of shit Brother, I might just forgive you and lalow you to be my Bitch and even Slave, while becoming Number 1" Katsuki said, loud enough so only Izumi heard, since they are quite far away from anyone else to hear, even Kyoka, but she was distracted

"~~~...~~~" Izumi said something, but was inaudible

"What was that?" Katsuki said, getting closer and sitting down on her Guts, his Feet making sure she can't use her Arms

"Burn ... in Hell" she said, spitting him in the Face, as Katsuki looked surprised, then insulted, then Angry, then he was only slamming down on her Face

He then stood up after a solid 2 Minutes, meanwhile Izuku was getting Angrier

Inko wasn't even caring, she was still sad about having beaten her Son and calling him a Villain

All Might wasn't paying attention either, looking only on the Ground

Just then Izumi stood up and powered back into 5% of OFA

"I will beat you, just like Onii-chan did" Izumi said, as she subconsciously went up to 8%, rushing at Katsuki, who just turned around, after her saying that

"He was just lucky" he said, as he was met with a Kick to the Face, drawing Blood from him now

"That actually hurt" he said, wiping the blood with the back of his Hand, then looking at it pissed

"THAT ACTUALLY HURT" he yelled, as Izumi dodged a kick from Katsuki, only to be met with a Punch to the Gut, then feeling his Hand open and a Explosion sending her flying back

"YOU BITCH, NOW YOU'VE DONE IT" Katsuki said, very loudly and Angry, as he rushed after her, only to get behind her, as she ducked, but then he grabbed her from behind, locking her Movements

"Kidney Punch" she said and repeated, as she hit him in the Kidney with her Elbow 10 times, as he slowly let go

"And stop .... and Gut Punch" she said, stopping, turning around and then delivering a Gut Punch

"ROUNDHOUSE" she yelled, as she roundhouse kicked Katsuki, making him stay on the Ground

Izumi then raised her Hand in Victory

"I win, so I get to keep it" Izumi said, as Izuku facepalmed, seeing as Katsuki stood back up

"SHINEEEEE" he yelled, as Izumi reacted a bit too late, getting a Fully Powered Explosion to the Face and being knocked out, as a lot of People cheered

He then walked up to her, saw her Bloody face and gave it a lick

"You will be my Slut" he said, as she was barely holding onto her Consciousness, being disgusted, but feeling how OFA leaves her

"So let me try this, Full Cowl ... 15%" Katsuki said, as he activated it, getting Orange Electricity around himself, the Electricity having a Red Glow around them

"Now I'm unbeatable" Katsuki said, as he smiled sadistically

"Oh are you sure?" A voice asked, as they all looked to where the source came from, seeing Izuku flying up there

(3:33 to End, but Ignore the Death Beam and no Talking)

"Izuku? Is that really Izuku?" Inko asked, as she levitated herself up in the Air, flying towards Izuku, as he descended down to the Ground, as Katsuki was in shock

Izuku then raised his Finger and fired a beam at Tsuyu, Kirishima and Tenya, as the 3 release the others

"Did they say Yagi?" Mineta asked, as the 3 of them and Izumi never saw Izuku become this

The 3 then however rushed to Izumi, who was looking at her Brother with Tears

"Onii-chan" she said, passing out, with a smile

End of Chapter 3

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