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The sweet scent of citrus surrounds me

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The sweet scent of citrus surrounds me. I stare at the pony-tailed blonde in my arms, who's glaring back with an expression caught between shock and disgust. Before I can respond, her wide eyes skate over my bare chest, straight down to the towel wrapped around my waist, and narrow when they return to my face.

"Why are you naked in my apartment?" she demands, untangling herself from my grip.

Ruby Sinclair. I'd recognize that scowl anywhere, having been on the receiving end of it more times than I can remember. "I could ask you the same thing."

Her face scrunches in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

I offer her the briefest glance down, careful not to let my gaze linger for longer than it takes to get my point across. As expected, her eyes follow suit, and a slow blush pulses up her chest and over her cheeks.

Well, holy shit. I have never in my life seen her embarrassed before. This has to be new territory.

After a tense pause, Ruby's chin rises in defiance, like walking around shirtless in front of an almost-stranger is something she does every day. "This isn't your apartment. Why are you deflecting?"

I pretend to ponder her question. "Good point. You first."

"I shouldn't have to go first! This is my— You know what? Forget it." Ruby looks away, a visible swallow moving down her throat. Her head shakes before her gaze reconnects with mine. "I spilled paint on my shirt and I was going to the bathroom to wash it off."

I squint at the material in her hands and poke my fingers around the pink stain. "I'd flush that with warm water if I were you."

"That's what I'm trying to do." The heat of her gaze drills into my face. "But you never answered my question," she shoots back in a clipped tone.

When my eyes lift, my mouth twists into a pleased smile. "I'm sorry, what was the question again?"

"Why are you naked in my apartment!"

This may be signing my own death warrant, but I can't stop a grin from playing on my lips. "I was taking a shower."

"You don't say," she deadpans. "What are you—some kind of squatter or something?"

I give my head a quick shake. "Not a squatter."

Ruby lets out an exasperated huff. "Then what are you doing here? Besides showering," she adds through gritted teeth.

"Your dad hired me."

She hesitates. "Wait. You're the guy who's fixing up this place? I thought you said you were a firefighter."

"I am." When Ruby glares like something isn't adding up, I let out a breath. "I overheard your dad telling the twins he needed someone to get things ready before you moved in, so I volunteered."

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