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"Oh, no." Gamora commented as the group walked out of the building.

Drax was standing triumphantly, holding a sword in each hand as lots of ships hovered above him, "At last!" he laughed, "I shall meet my foe and destroy him."

Peter stepped towards Drax with a look of horror on his face, "You called Ronan?"

Eleanor turned to see who the voice was that had shouted at them through the crowd, "Quill! Don't you move, boy!". Her stomach dropped once she saw the familiar face of her adoptive grandfather, Yondu. He looked like he was going to kill somebody. Most likely Peter. And then maybe her.

Gamora started to run, and Peter and Eleanor followed after. Yondu and the Ravagers pushed through the crowd, chasing after them. The door of a small pod-like ship opened and Gamora threw out the driver. Eleanor clambered in after her, watching as her dad and Rocket climbed into different ones as well, "I told you, you can't fit," Rocket explained to Groot, "Now, wait here. I'll be back."

The three ships rose into the air. Eleanor looked out through one of the windows to see other ships chasing after them. She sat curled in the back of the pod, with her arms wrapped around her legs. She heard the whooshing sound of bullets flying past the pod. She stayed quiet, watching as Gamora did the intense turns and dives through the smallest gaps. She didn't want to make her lose concentration. She held her breath as the pod hit off the side of a building, causing it to shake a little.

"Quill," Eleanor lifted her head, as Gamora yelled, "I'm trapped. I can't make it to the Milano. I have to head out."

"Wait! These things aren't meant to go out there," he said, "You have my daughter!"

"I'll keep her safe!"

"You had her to take her to the Milano!" Peter argued back.

"Stop!" Eleanor yelled, covering her ears as the gunfire got louder.

A different voice came through, "You are a disappointment, sister. Out of all our siblings, I hated you least."

"Nebula, please," Gamora replied, "If Ronan gets this stone he'll kill us all."

"Not all," Nebula replied, "You will already be dead."

Eleanor scrambled forwards as an explosion happened. She got thrown forwards, smashing into Gamora as she flew forwards too. The pod caught into flames and Peter stared out of his window with his mouth open. Screaming. But nobody heard him. Eleanor was just floating, her delicate blue eyes were shut. Peter thought that she looked peaceful. The Orb floated further away and got picked up by Nebula, who instantly flew away. She didn't care that she had just killed her own sister and worse, a child that she didn't even know.

"Quill, come on. Gamora's body mods should keep her alive a couple more minutes, but there's nothing we can do for her," Rocket said, "And Eleanor. She's probably already dead, man. I'm sorry. These pods aren't meant to be out here. In a second, we're gonna be in the same boat."

He flew back towards Knowhere.

"Aw, damn it," Peter muttered. He didn't want to do what he was going to do, but if there was a chance to save Gamora and bring back his daughter then he might as well try, "Yondu! Yondu! This is Quill! My coordinates are 227K324."

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