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Hi :) 

This is the part where I prepare you before you jump into this story, consider it the pre-attraction video of a ride at Universal.  

I'll start with the cliches just to get them out of the way; 

1. English is not my first language, so be kind.

2. I am not a professional writer AT ALL, nor do I work in or studied anything language-related

3. I am in school (uni - do not worry I am not a child, even though I realize that saying it makes me sound like a child, but I assure you I am not), I also work full time and sometimes have been known to have a life. I will try to update as much and as frequently as possible but remember that I am just one person and like you, I also need to sporadically sleep, shower, and photosynthesize.

This little story is something I came up with after gobbling up the entire series (ToG, ACOTAR, & CC) in less than two weeks. I spent some time planning it and by the end, I was just missing the little red string to connect all my crazy little dots into a master plan. The reasoning behind it is that I was looking for fics to feed my Azriel obsession and always stumbled into the same stuff -  the idea of the traumatized loyal soldier and the dainty/soft girl he protected and ultimately fell in love with - which for me personally was *yawn*. I think Azriel's partner should not have to be a polished, cake-baking, deer in the headlight damsel...enter Sirena. This girl is F U C K E D and I cannot stress that enough, so if you are looking for a shiny heroine you should move along because you will not find one here. But I also tried to incorporate elements that allude to the importance of having healthy relationships/conversations which (please don't kill me) SJM has forgotten a time or two. That is not to say that my girl is not a fantasy-writing god, because she is and I love her and I will fight anyone over this. 

Okay, that was enough behind the scenes. Now, on to the good stuff. 

DISCLAIMERS! This story is not finished even though I have the concept of the ending. I have a good chunk of it ready to go but some parts are undergoing the editing of a well-rested mind after being written in the high hours of the morning fueled by unholy amounts of Redbull and Lofthouse cookies. That being said I do feel like I should give you some bright flashing red TWs. 


Now that you have been warned, I trust that you know what you are getting yourself into. If this does not sound like the story for you that is a-okay, thanks for even clicking on it, that means at least the cover and description were alright. If you're dying for me to finish this part so you can get started...your wish is my command. 

Plot twists ahead. Proceed at your own risk. Happy reading!

- Lily Kay.

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