Author's Note #1

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ok so i had hoped to have chapter 6 up by today but i just got so busy that i haven't had a chance to edit/finish the chapter entirely. now i could try and get it done today but i feel like i would be rushing it and i don't want to give you guys a half-assed attempt at a chapter or give you anything that i didn't put 100% effort into so i will be working on it today but probably won't have it finished today. i'll try to have it done by the end of this week though hopefully.

and after this it'll probably take longer to get chapters up since they aren't prewritten but i'll keep you guys updated on that

and once i upload chapter 6 i will post the cast list, aesthetics, disclaimer, and prologue for my first victorious book i'm working on and then i'll try to figure out an upload schedule for my books as well 

i' not sure how well i'll be able to stick to it since i'm currently looking for a job and i won't know what kind of schedule i'll have for that but i'll try and write as many chapters as i can with the free time i've got and then after that it'll be writing on my days off or any free time when i get home and stuff but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it

this has turned into a whole thing so i'll sign off for now and i'll keep you guys updated on when i'm going to upload chapter 6 which will hopefully be by Saturday. 

Princess (a lucas friar x oc story) adopted from @sugarnspice100Where stories live. Discover now