lost in the darkness

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u wake up to a sudden jolt then u realise the kitten is gone,with shock on ur face u quickly pull out ur phone from ur pocket.'ugh its dead how will i get home now?'.u try to stay calm and u get out of the treehouse but ur surounded by darkness.'oh wait i have my powerbank in my bag!',without looking at ur bag u search for the charger with ur hands.'good thing i brought this or id be in trouble',u said to urself but when u looked at ur notifications u had no missed calls or messages.'hmm ill just find my way home rn'u thought to urself.u walked through a misty mud path but halfway there ur legs were as sore as they could ever be,'ugh i rlly need a break'even though u only took a few steps u flopped to the ground and sat down on a patch of soft soil.without hesitation u quickly opened ur phone to text ur mum.

today 6:49 pm

Y/N: mum i dont know where i am
pls can u pick me up

Mum:honey im so sorry but im on a work trip maybe ask ur friend

YN:mum are u serious

Mum:im so sorry ill make it up to u but im about to lose service

'UGH IM NEVER GONNA MAKE IT OUT ALIVE'u said to urself,u couldnt believe ur mum would do that to u.'damn i guess mum rlly doesnt love me',instead u just watched tiktok but tokiohotel couldnt stop popping up on ur page.'who even are these supid boys'she said but she had to admit the black haired emo boy was handsome,infact he was perfect.'hang on maybe i could text lilac (ur bsf)!' she quickly opened her phone excited that she could finally get out but she got her hopes too high 'WHAT NO CELL SERVICE PLS TELL ME THATS A LIE!!!'

today 7:10pm


that was her last hope but when she realised the danger she was in she started breaking down in tears.she quickly checked herself on her phone but the quality was so bad that she made no effort and shut her phone.then a singular tear came dripping down ur right eye before long those tears became hundreds and thousands.

time skip 1hr later
by the time she stopped crying her makeup had melted off her pale smooth skin whick made it look even more beautiful,but Y/N didnt know her features were beautiful.often her friends(especially lilac) would say things like
"Y/N U LOOK SO PRETTY U COULD TOTALLY PERSUE IN MODELING" or "Y/N how do u keep ur skin glowing" even her relatives point out her beauty.suddenly she slipped in a pile of mud but her hands stopped her from falling over.now ur sleeves were covered in mud 'this is the worst day to wear white i probably look like a geek from the vikings'she said to herself. Y/N then climbed onto a tree which took her a lifetime to climb but in the end she got a comfy spot,she was abt to drift off but she tried to fight it incase somthing bad happens so u went through ur camera roll.i mean what do u expect she had no service.in the end she drifted of with her phone laying on her chest,hair all over the smokey brown branches and sleeves covered in mud dangling next to her long skinny torso.

word count:625


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