evidence /chp.9\

81 4 7

(Shino's pov)

"So the records should be someone in here" I say to Kiyo

"Yeahhh, I mean I could also look at the other books too" he suggested

"Sure" I say as I go to database' desk. Both me and Kiyo are in database's office while some are in his room and others are looking at other parts of the Castle

"Uhhh- records.... records" Kiyo was looking though some of his books

"I don't think they will be there" I said "most likely in the desk"

"There may be something" he said

"True" I say

The two of us kept looking in either the desk or the bookshelfs

"Found it!" I say and put in onto the desk

I opened in and started to look though when Kiyo walked over. The book has people that are here and had been banished

"See anything?" Asked Kiyo

"Uhhh... Not yet- Oh! Here!" I pointed to someone that went by the name metica who seemed quirkless since it said in next to the name and was missing

"Odd, is anyone else missing ir anything like that?" Kiyo asked

"Well no since no one leaves the kingdom since eveything is here that we need" I explained

"So do you think this is something important" Kiyo asked

"I think so' I say then sighed "we just have to wait on them.... To see if they have anything similar"

"Right..." He said

"Trust me once we are able to find the king we won't have to talk to them" I say

"I know" said Kiyo

(Artemis' pov)

"He has a lot of books" I say looking around the room

When you first walk into the house, near the back is his desk surrounded by books

"Guess we better start" said Blake as she walked up to one if the shelves

'I wish we got more people to help' I sighed and went to looking though the books

"God he has ro have some kind of record right?' she Asked

"Maybe? I'm not sure" I said "I wouls hope someone thought it was a good idea

"Artemis" Blake says

"Yeah?" I asked

"They go in alphabetical order... Its mosy likely in that shelf" she pointed to the shelf on the right

"Oh..." I give a small laugh

The two of us go over to the shelf and start looking

"Annnnddd here!" Blake pulled out the book

The two of us walked to the desk and started to look though it

"It doesn't make me feel good that all rhe names have dead by them... Most of them didn't even die from old age" I commented

"Well, they did camp out here for the longest time" she says

"I mean that is true" I say

"Yeah, but this won't happen anymore, we are bulding this place uo" she says and smiled

She kept flipping though the pages when I saw something off "stop"

She stopped turning the pages confused until she saw what I was looking at

"Those two, Kreg and Rain went missing rhe same day, seems like nothing of rhem was founs" I say

"Do you think they did it?" Blake asked

"I...I don know" I say "someone did break in, they had to know where we were"

"Guess this is our lead... Let's just hope it's right" She says

"Yeah, guess we wait for the others to come and see what they found" I say as we start to leave

She rolled her eyes "I know you don't like them... I'm not the biggest fan either" I say

"They thought we did it, they treat us badly, I just don't like them... Though seems like some of us are trying to friend them" Blake said

I sighed "I know, them trying will gey them hurt, not physically but emotionally since they aren't around for friendship they want their king and we want Ronin once we get them, we won't see them again"

"Yeah then we go back to this shity life' she said closing the door

"It will get better, the more we work on it" I smile and she smiled back

We just talked about random topics until Kiyo and Shino came over to us

"Find anything?" Asked Kiyo

"Yes, you?" I asked

"Yeah" he said

"What do you guys find?" Shino asked

"Two of the peiple here went missing the same day at the same time" I say "nothing of them were found"

"Same here, someone from the kingdom went missing" he gave me a paper which he wrote the details on

I read over it "same day... Around the same time it was reported"

"So they may be a team?" Asked Blake

"Maybe, I'm also keeping this" and put the paper into my pocket

"Why would someone from the kingdom, someone quirkless help them?" Asked Kiyo

"I don't know" I say

"We need to get back and see if the others found anything" Shino said to Kiyo

"Blake go see if anyone as found anything around" I instructed her, she nodded head and walked off

"See ya" said Shino and him and Kiyo walked away

I sighed and walked over to a grouo I saw to see what they were doing

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