Chapter 8

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Day 1
Taehyung and Y/n were driving home from hospital. Y/n was staring outside the window thinking Taehyung must be hungry. He doesn't ate anything properly since yesterday so she asked,
Y/n : Taehyung *he hummed in response* aren't you hungry?
Taehyung wasn't feeling hungry. He was feeling nothing except for worry and fear. He's so afraid to lose her. He doesn't know how he'll survive if she leave him like this. In few hours he lost his apatite, he lost his sleep everything. Just the thought of her leaving this world eating him from inside. Now he want nothing but a long happy life for his wife. Even it's not him but he wants her to live. He hold her hands which were resting on her lap with one hand and spoke,
Taehyung : You wanna eat something *she nodded a little* I'll make something delicious for you as the outside food is not healthy

Taehyung placed the food in front of Y/n and sit beside her. Y/n looked at his empty plate and spoke
Y/n : Let me serve you?
She started placing the food in his plate. Taehyung look down at the food. He doesn't have apatite. He knows that food will not go down his throat.
Y/n : Why aren't you eating?
She asked seeing him playing with the food
Taehyung : I...I'm not feeling like eating
He said looking at his plate. Suddenly a spoon full of food come in front of his lips. He look up and saw Y/n is holding the spoon with a smile
Y/n : Here let me feed you
Taehyung slowly open his mouth and eat the food by Y/n's hand. His eyes were burning like tears wanted to come out but the couldn't. Taehyung gulped the food but failed to gulp the lump on his throat.

Day 2
Taehyung couldn't sleep for two nights. He spent his whole night holding Y/n in his arms praying for her. Now it's already morning. He gives Y/n a peck on her forehead and get up from the bed after fixing the duvet over her.
He walk towards the balcony and look up at the sky. The sun is slowly rising making the earth red. The environment is calm and silent but there's a storm happening inside him. He look down at his hand which were placing on the railing. He's eyes were stuck in his wedding ring which was decorated in his slim finger. He close his eyes and all the memories flash inside his mind. As if it's yesterday a little girl walk inside their house holding her fathers hand. At first she was so afraid that she was tightly gripping her fathers shirt. Then her father told her to play with Taehyung. He took her to the garden and he couldn't clearly remember how her doe eyes were sparkling seeing the flowers. Soon the little girl grow up. He remember how she used to blush every time seeing him. And then in a blink there wedding day come. He remember how she slides the ring on his finger with her trembling hands and that day she became his life partner his other half. He remember how he used to beat her like a beast without any reason. Her painful scream her begging started echoing inside his head making his heart tear into uncountable pieces. He never give her the happiness she deserved but the girl gives her everything to him. One day he realised the girl become his life his everything. He feel like he couldn't even breathe without her. But he's late.. too late. Now he could do nothing but just pray for her long and happy life. He just wants to make her life beautiful and fill them with happiness nothing else.
Taehyung doesn't know from how long he's standing here but he flinch feeling something moving in his waist. He look down and saw two small arms are wrapping around his waist making him smile a little
Y/n : Husband aren't you going to office today
She asked resting her head on his back
Taehyung : I take leave from office dad will take care of my work *he said placing his hands over hers*
Y/n : Did you take the leave for me hubby?
Taehyung : You can say that
Y/n : It means you're spending some times with me?
She asked exitedly standing beside him. Taehyung nodded with a smile
Y/n : Okay then let's go and watch some movies
Taehyung : But before that you have to eat breakfast and take medicines.

Day 3
After dinner Y/n was sitting on the bed waiting for Taehyung to come in the room. After few minutes he walk in and sit beside Y/n in the bed.
Taehyung : Why didn't you sleep yet?
Y/n : I was waiting for you
Saying that she cupped his both cheers with her hands and make him look at her
Y/n : Just look at you hubby. You're looking like a zombie. Red eyes, dark circles under them, dried lips, pale skin. I don't want a zombie husband.
She said with a pout. Y/n take a lip balm from the bed side table and applied it on Taehyung's lips
Y/n : Now they're looking juicey.
She said and wink at Taehyung making him blush.
Y/n : You need a good sleep baby. Come here I'll make you sleep
Saying that she made him laid down on her lap. Taehyung's heart jump a bit feeling her soft lap under his head. He felt heaven. Y/n started caressing his heirs. Soon he fall asleep feeling so much love and comfort. Y/n was staring at her husbands sleeping face. She doesn't know why he broke this much after knowing about her illness. Is he guilty or he's in love with her? Y/n doesn't have the courage to ask him that he love her or not. But once he told her that he'll never love her. So it means it's regret which made him like this.

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