Season 1 Chapter 8:Saitama & Yuuka's Date

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I don't own Kenichi, The Mightiest Desciple, One Punch Man or any of their characters or any of the media put here.

After the school day was over, Saitama went to the dojo to tell them that he won't be coming weekend as he had a date with his new girlfriend.

Shio and Kensei were proud and started teasing him(though it didn't work), Apachai cheered for him and Shigure was stoic but she did congratulate him. Akisame was proud of him and told him to treat Yuuka well.

For Hayato, he was also glad that Saitama got a girlfriend, but at the same time a little let down because he knew Miu had a crush on him. But he decided to let it play out on it's own to see if she would make the effort to confess to him, but she didn't. A bit sad, but it can't be helped.

Speaking of Miu, when Saitama told her about him now dating Yuuka, she was a little disappointed, but she was happy that he was dating now. So she hid her sadness from him with a smile and congratulated him for is new relationship.

After that, Saitama got home and told his family about his new relationship with Yuuka. Honoka was cheering for him, Saori was happily hugging him and Mototsuga was crying at how his son was becoming a man much to Saitama's annoyance and amusement.

Later at night, at the Ryozanpaku Dojo:

Miu was in her room, and lightly sobbing.

This still hurt her. All the pain she had from Saitama telling her about his relationship with Yuuka really stung her and she let it all out.

She then heard the door open and in came Hayato. She quickly wiped her tears and saw him. She smiled.

Miu:O...Ojii-sama. What is it?

He went to her, bent down and hugged her making her go wide eyed.

Miu:Ojii-sama? What are-

Hayato:Come now. You don't think I don't know when my own granddaughter is emotionally hurt?

Miu:...! I...

Hayato:Go on. Let it out.

She trembled, sniffled and cried into her grandfather's chest. The pain that she had for seeing Saitama dating someone else and not her.

Hayato:Hmmm. How sad. But there is nothing that can be done. Saitama has got his girlfriend and Miu will have to move on and be emotionally stronger from this. I know it. *sigh*...I just hope that this doesn't destroy hers and Saitama's friendship.

Days have passed since then.

Daimonji left school as promised and the school felt a bit better that he was gone.

It was Saturday, the day of Saitama's and Yuuka's date.

Saitama was at the gate of Suna Mall. He was wearing a white jacket, yellow t-shirt, blue jeans and red steel toed shoes.

His face was his usual stoic look but inside he was a bit anxious. This was his first date ever. He has never had one. especially in his past life, but now he is.

He was also a little worried that he might screw it up and that made a lot of questions pop up in his head. What if he makes Yuuka uncomfortable? What if he makes her unhappy? What if-


His thoughts were cut off as he heard Yuuka's voice. He looked to his left and saw Yuuka wearing a pink shirt, a blue skirt, brown leggings and pink shoes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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