Till Death Do Us Apart

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"Y/n!." Billy yelled

Y/n eyes went bloodshot

A knife had been plunged deep inside her heart

Crimson red trickled down the woman's chest


Her soul is no longer here

her body becoming numb

Falling to the floor

Blood spewing out her mouth
She coughed

Everyone stood still

A tear fell

"Y/N!." One of the boys yelled

Michael's blood ran cold regret and guilt filled him

Jason felt like a million swords just cut his heart

Hannibal at this moment had nothing to think it's as if his thoughts were blank he felt guilt then sadness a deep sadness.

Pennywise felt something not love or lust but something that hurt a lot and he was confused not being able to understand the feeling.

Brahms eyes were wide his heart skipped a beat.

Norman was about to sob his heart out.

Billy was confused why just why?

Stu didn't know what to do he was scared for once he wanted to get down on his knees and sob.

The man who killed Y/n ran off never to be seen.

You're lifeless body hit the concrete

The boys ran to her side
Tears stinging those delicate eyes that belong to those handsome boys who once loved someone so deeply.

Memories flashed into their heads.

"Hello their pennywise its a pleasure.

"well Norman it has been a pleasure to be in your presence but I'm afraid I must be going now I will see you again sir.

"You're very forward Mr Myers and please accept my gift."

"sorry it was my fault. I got lost in my thoughts, and I'm new here. "

"Because they were total dicks shocking you guys for no reason"

"Whoa woah let me answer all of them by one."

"Hmm a bit it's cute a badass mark

"Y/n i'd kill myself more than 1,000 times for you and more I'd run for you if I was shot and even then I'd walked a thousand miles for you if my body was being burned and even then I'd crawl for you if my limbs were blown off. I don't think you understand how obsessed I- we are for you. How I crave to just be in your existence."

"Till death do us part.." cool way to die I guess. My last words.
better put it on my grave fr I didn't die just to say those last words for them to not be on my grave. And also those frogs from Shrek that sang at the kings funeral I want that for my song.
I'm really gonna miss them. Oh how I will miss them. Those sweet precious men.

"Not even death can do us apart for it's my soul that's attached." Billy sobbed into her chest cradling her. He sounded so hurt his head was filled with rage and his heart ached.


They all stood inside the living room with y/ns lifeless body after they brought her back home

They felt nothing but pain

Hannibal went out because he was informed of something surprising

He drove for miles sobbing as he thought of his love oh what he'd do to have her back.

The end...

Till death do us apart

So our journey was fun It was very fun while it lasted I just want to thank all of you for everything all the votes comments everything I've always wanted to bring my imagination to life and you guys helped me.
Thank you for everything

Sincerely from peesock.

Till Death Do Us Apart slashers x Fem Nurse Reader Where stories live. Discover now