~story 2~

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-A lil background info-
(Lilly doesn't know she is pregnant with triplets. She is nine months pregnant and her bump is unusually small for triplets but the babies are fine)

Lilly needs some more clothes because she has gained a little bit of weight and now she can't button her pants

Lilly needs some more clothes because she has gained a little bit of weight and now she can't button her pants

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Lizzy grabbed her keys and headed to the car her belly touched the wheel. (she hasn't taken the time to process her belly is unusually round.)

It took Lizzy 1 hour to get to the mall. Once there she walked around and found a clothing store called, "creda clothes" and she decided to check it out.

She found 2 shirts, shorts, and pants to try on. She picked 2 outfits she liked so she paid and left to explore other stores.

While Lizzy was walking she felt what felt like a cramp so she thought that she was on her period. Lizzy quickly walked to a store and bought pads.

Lizzy walked into the bathrooms and checked if she bled through her pants. She saw nothing there and was relieved and went into a stall to put on a pad.

"No blood that's weird" Lizzy thought.

After that she felt another pain. What was weird is it felt like her cramps were getting closer. She thought she just had to go to the bathroom.

Lizzy made her way back to the bathroom and went to the nearest stall. Liz pulled down her pants and panties and sat down. She felt something go down into her cervix.

"Impossible, there is no way that I am having a baby in a malls bathroom" Liz thinks.

Liz heard a pop sound and warm amiotic fluid gushes down her leg. "Shit, I have to get home"

She pulls her panties and pants up and walks out of the bathroom. The urge to open her leg and push is really hard to resist but she slowly walks to keep her legs from opening.

The front of the mall is only a few minutes away, and she feels her baby's head crown. She thinks, "I can't keep walking so slow by the time I get to the doors the baby will be in my pants."

There is a bathroom right by the exit so she decides to go in there. She walks to the stall and shuts the door. The contractions are getting severely painful so she knows she has to give birth now.

She pulls her pants off along with her panties. Once she does that the baby slides out a bit further to where the head is now fully out. Liz bears down by the toilet and pushes remembering to be quiet because there are other people in there.

Lizzy bites her shirt to keep from screaming. She can't believe she was pregnant all along but now she has a beautiful baby to love. She pushes one more time and the baby slides right out.

Liz looks into her purse to see if she has something to cut the umbilical cord.luckily she has some string and scissors from a project she was working on.

The jacket she had around her waist she uses to swaddle the baby. She gets up and puts her jeans and panties back on to leave. She walks out and gets into her car.

While driving she feels the pain again this time she knows that it's a contraction. Liz says, "How am I going to get home to deliver this baby I am an hour away from home!"

The contractions get closer and closer by the minute. Just her luck they are right on top of each other and she is only 15 minutes into the drive. Liz's water breaks and the baby is already in her birth canal.

Liz starts to drive a little faster. The pains are getting worse, She can't bear it. Her baby's head starts to crown just a little bit. Lizzy can't take her hand off the wheel to take off her pants and panties.

The baby's head crowns more and more until the head comes out and rests against Liz's panties. Her luck gets a little bit better because she gets stuck in traffic it's a good and bad thing.

The bad thing is she has to give birth in her car. The good thing is she can take off her clothes. She processes to take off her clothes and the baby's head slides out fully.

Lizzy can't look off the road especially on a freeway. She takes one hand off the wheel and reaches down. She feels the head of her second baby.

She pushes just a bit and the baby comes out to where the neck is showing.

The next couple pushes are hard because the baby went back in which was incredibly painful. NGHHHHH, she pushes and the baby only comes out a Lil bit.

The luck has run out and her chance is gone traffic starts to move and she has no choice other than to drive and give birth. Nghh she moans it hurts so much.

The next push she does the baby's head slowly slide out. She can't take her hands off the wheel. She takes one hand off the wheel and her hand feels the baby's head.

Lizzy can't get the baby to come out further my pushing so she decides to wait until the baby move out on its own

At this point she has been on the road for 40 minutes because of traffic she is still 45 minutes away from her home. Liz thinks it's crazy that she is driving while giving birth.

The contractions are painful and too unbearable to be sitting in the same position. Liz finally feels the baby move out a bit so she decides to push again.

NGHHHHH she gets the baby's right shoulder out then she pushes again NGHHHHH and the baby slides right out. Lizzy catches the baby with her hand.

She can't cut the umbilical cord because she already used the string that she had. So she is holding her baby to her chest with the umbilical cord still attached.

-45 minutes later-

Lizzy is finally home. She struggles to get out of the car because of her baby and her little belly that she has.

 She struggles to get out of the car because of her baby and her little belly that she has

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Liz gets inside and gives both of her newborn babies a bath. She dries the babies and lay them on her bed. Lizzy gets her tablet and goes on the web to order cribs until she feels her final baby kick.

She runs to the bathroom to undress before her water breaks. Liz is at home so she can have a peaceful birth.

Lizzy puts a layer of plastic under her and goes and sits back down on the couch. She moves her legs into birth position and her water breaks. The amiotic fluid flows onto the plastic layer.

The baby's legs crown, Liz panics how is she going to deliver her baby if the legs are first. She knows that the baby has to be positioned so she has a save birth.

The baby comes out more so she decides to push. The babies torso comes out then it's shoulder and before she knew it the baby was out.

Baby#1 name: Hadley (boy)

Baby#2 name: Jissle (girl)

Baby#3 name: Noah (boy)

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