Chapter Twenty Five

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Pearl watched intently at the scene unravelling in front of her. Bella stood behind Edward as a vampire who accompanied Victoria slowly approached him, as Edward tried his best to negotiate.

"Victoria's just using you." Edward tried to play with the vampire boy's mind. "In fact, she'll be glad she doesn't have to deal with you anymore."

The vampire still moved forward, Bella cowering more and more behind Edward with each step the newborn took.

Pearl listened as the Victoria tried to counter his words, neither of them noticing the white wolf stalking them from the snow.

"Don't let him do this to us," Victora used her supernatural charm to convince the newborn. "You know I love you." She lied through her pointed teeth.

The vampire thought about the redhead's words for a second, clenching his jaw as he tried to decide, but whether it was Victoria's convincing love story, or the smell of Bella's blood, he made up his mind.

"You're dead." The vampire spoke dangerously with a sly smile.

In an instant, Edward's eyes flickered to hill where Pearl stood waiting for that very signal, and she leapt out of the snow the minute it was received.

Growling and snarling, Peal landed her heavy paws on top of the clueless newborn and sunk her teeth deep into his shoulder so she could drag him out of the way of Bella.

The vampire screamed in between her strong jaw as Pearl shook him side to side so he couldn't make the sense to fight back, before finishing it off with a hard throw to the nearest rock.

There was a sound that echoed around her, as if someone had broken a glass vase, and to Pearl's surprise, she had had the strength to tare the newborn's arm clean off.

The vampire held his stump for an arm, shrieking in pain and frustration as Pearl stood above him, dropping the snapped arm into the snow below. Her tongue flipped over her nose as she readied herself for the second blow.

Preferably to the head.

Pearl's focus was broken as she heard Edward yelling behind her where she saw Victoria stopped in her tracks as she tried to flee.

Edward was riling her up, talking about her dead mate and trying to convince her to fight him, but both Victoria and Edward knew the victor of that fight.

After a few more taunting words from Edward, Victoria couldn't take it anymore as she dashed at him, both of the vampires falling through the snow as Bella ran to get out of the line of fire.

Pearl turned back to the armless newborn, still groaning in the snow, and she jumped on top of him again, but this time he fought back.

He kicked at her, forcefully throwing her back with his strength every time she got near, just making her more and more riled up and ready to rip his head off.

Pearl how are you holding up? Seth's voice frightened her fixated mind.

I'm fine Seth! I can handle myself! Pearl unintentionally growled back at her imprint.

In her split moment of distraction, the newborn took advantage of it, getting to his feet and using his new found strength to throw her head into the nearby rock just as she down.

Pearl let out a high pitched wheeze as her head bashed against the stone, her mind immediately started to fade into a foggy pit.

Pearl what happened? Seth's voice seemed as if he were talking to her underwater. Pearl you gotta talk to me! It mumbled.

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