Chapter 11

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Anjali dress

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Anjali dress

Anjali looked so beautiful like an angel in her dress.She looked like a new born flower so innocent and pure.

"I can't let anyone see you like this.What if the boys attract towards you like a bee?" Pooja and geetha tried to cover her.

"Stop overreacting guys.You both are more beautiful than me" Anjali crossed her arms.

Pooja and geetha looked at each other."She even have the nerve to make fun of us" Pooja puffed her cheeks.They have seen Karan was in shock mode by looking at Anjali and Abhi was blushing at Geetha.Anjali saw Shelly and Padma was looking at her with jealous.

"Hello first years,we welcome you all with the warm hearts.In these past few days,we had a small misunderstanding with each other.I hope in future we get along well like a family.Let's enjoy the party." Shelly finished the speech and went to Padma.

"Do you think our plan will work?" Shelly asked Padma.

"Don't worry I will make sure that they suffer double." Padma smirked at Anjali and her friends.

Anjali asked a girl who was sitting alone in a corner "Hey what are you doing alone?"

"I just feel party is not my thing" that girl lowered her head looking nervous."Come on,It's organized by our department.We have to eat a lot when there is a free food" Anjali smiled.

"Now a days you are so obsessed with food.Iam afraid someone might lure you into their trap by giving free food" Pooja sat next to her.

"Hey how can I avoid it when there is a lot of food.Let's have some dessert." Anjali pulled Pooja and that girl towards the dessert table.

"Hello girls" Shelly and Padma greeted them.Anjali nod her head and Pooja just ignore them.

Padma bitten her lips that she was ignored by them.'Let's see how long you guys can held your head high' Padma laughed internally.

"We sincerely apologise for what happened previously" Shelly and Padma said in front of everyone."Anjali you should accept their apology.After all they are your seniors" A senior guy told her.

"It's not that I don't want to your apology.It is just that you are apologising the wrong person.You have to apologise Geetha.

Shelly was angered to death."Iam sorry for what I did to you" Padma handed the drink to Geetha."I accept your appology not your drink.I can't drink alcohol" Geetha gracefully declined her with a smile.

"It's not alcohol.It's just a fruit drink.I think most of the first years don't know the rules.In department feast alcohol is not allowed.It's against the rules.We are following this for years except two years ago one of my classmate broke that as she sneaked alcohol into the feast.When the department heaad found out about that they got really angry and suspended her for 15 days.She is my and Shelly's friend." Padma told and cried.

"Stop crying for her,Padma.Only we thought her as our friend but she didn't.Did you forgot that you got admitted in the hospital because of alcohol poison.Just forgot about her" Shelly hugged her friend.

All of the students who are listening felt bad for Shelly and Padma except Anjali

"How can they lie without battling their eyes.Don't they feel sorry for what they did?"

Anjali went towards Geetha and took the glass from her "You are really a good person.I think I have misunderstood you before.Here let me give you a drink for reconciliation.

Pooja,Geetha,Karan and Abhi looked at Anjali weirdly.They know how she hates them but she is behaving differently."You got into my trap" Padma smiled internally.

Padma looked around her eyes locked with girl who talked with Anjali before "Can you bring her a glass of fruit drink?"

That girl nodded her head nervously picked a glass and walked towards Anjali.Couple of minutes later Anjali grabbed her head "My head is paining headache".

"I think it's getting worse.Let's leave" Geetha said to her.Shelly and Padma panicked.Is she leave their plan will be spoiled.

"Don't worry about me .It's our department feast you can enjoy it as a first year for only once in a lifetime.I will be fine once I get a fresh air" Anjali assured her friends.

Shelly and Padma sighed in relief."Come let's take you to the balcony.The view is good,you will be relaxed" Padma held Anjali's hand like a caring sister.

Anjali assured her friends and followed Padma to the balcony.

15 minutes later,Shelly's class teacher entered the hall with two teachers."Students everyone gather here" the class teacher said to everyone.

"What happened mam?Why did you come here?" Shelly asked like she was confused.Students looked confused to see the teachers because this feast is only for students.

"I received an anonymous message that one of the student doing a indecent activity in the department feats.So we came here to catch the student" class teacher replied.

Suddenly a middle aged woman barged into the hall and shouted "Where is she?Where is the girl who seduced my husband?Where is she hiding my husband?"

Students were gasped when they heard that.In the conclusion one of the female student has an illegal relationship with her husband and she is with her husband in this hotel.

"Mam Is this true?Don't you think it is kind of misunderstanding?Everyone is present there.You can look around." Shelly pointed at the students.

One girl who is Shelly's follower shouted "I saw Anjali with a man.They went to fifth floor.I thought it was her relative but I don't know that he is this lady's husband".

"Do you know what you are saying?I know about my friend.She is not that type of person" Geetha and Pooja said angrily.

"I just said What I saw.Why are you showing your anger towards me.It's your friend who is a homewrecker" That girl said by pushing her.

"Stop it before I punch your face" Abhi grabbed that girl fist which pushed Geetha."Abhi,What behaviour is this?It's your friend who made mistake.How can you say that to a girl" Shelly came to that girl's rescue.

"Be happy he just said in words.If it was me I would have slapped her" Karan fumed in anger.

"Come with me everyone I will show the true face of Anjali" that girl lead them the way.Pooja,Geetha and Karan looked worried."Don't worry nothing will happen to her" Abhi assured them.

Taking the spare key from the hotel manager they went towards the door."Anjali let's see your arrogant face how you look after losing your innocence infront of everyone" Shelly thought while opening the door.

Shelly and that girl smiled at each other when they heard the class teacher voice "What do you think you are doing"

But what she saw in the room really shocked Shelly "Padma why are you here?"

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