Hear me out

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The feeling of being left out was a bitter pill to swallow. It was as if I were an invisible observer in a room filled with vibrant interactions. With each interaction that dismissed or overlooked me, my self-esteem took another blow. Doubts began to creep into my mind, questioning my worth and place in this social landscape.

Maybe I shouldn't have come...

A sense of loneliness settled in, accentuated by the laughter and conversations that seemed to echo all around me. I longed to be a part of those moments, to contribute and be acknowledged. Each time my attempts at interaction were met with indifference, it felt like a rejection, a reminder that my presence didn't matter in that space.

I should have listened to Grace. This is what she meant when she said I would have difficulty fitting in... I wasn't like the others...

Though my heart grew heavy with disappointment, I didn't want to give up immediately.

Not every interaction is the same, there is bound to be someone who would be ready to talk to me, right? Not every person would be receptive. It took me a lot of courage to attend the party in the first place, I shouldn't just leave, right?

I nodded at myself but despite my best efforts to remain resilient, the constant feeling of being left out took its toll on my emotional well-being. It was as if a cloud of isolation had settled over me, casting a shadow on the flickering lights and the infectious energy of the party.

I looked around, but no one was ready to even meet my eyes. In that moment, I felt invisible, unheard, and disconnected from the vibrant world unfolding before me. It made me feel so bad that I felt like crying.

My chest began to tighten up and I felt like a fool.

I gritted my teeth and I felt embarrassed. I looked towards the door, there was no sign of Nico. Is he not coming? I looked at my phone, there were no texts from him either.

Each passing moment was making me miserable, So I stood up to leave.

This was a mistake. I shouldn't have come. I feel like more of an outcast than before. I moved my chair back to make space to get out of there when someone came and stood right behind my chair, not allowing me to leave.

'Excuse me,' I said softly, doing my best to keep myself from crying. I didn't want to raise my head since I didn't want anyone to see my face.

"What?" He didn't get what I said and of course he wouldn't because I didn't say anything, I just mouthed the words, I couldn't voice them.

I took a deep breath to encourage myself, then looked up, to gesture to him to move aside. But I stopped as soon as I started when my eyes landed on the guy in front of me.

My heart skipped a beat when I noticed him and my wolf came alive. Jumping at his sight.


He stared at me, then frowned, "What's wrong?" He had his brows knitted, "Why do you look so distressed?" As soon as he said that I looked away, "Hey!" He grabbed my face and made me look at him, "What's wrong?"

I wasn't expecting to just grab my face like that, it clouded my mind with anxious thoughts.

"Hey!!!" The people behind me recognized him, "Killian!!!" Jake stood up and so did Amy, "Gosh! You're here too?!"


"That Killian?" Apparently he was famous.

"Ah! Hi" The sudden attention got him confused and I took the opportunity to remove his hand from my face as he awkwardly waved at them. He noticed what I was doing but I didn't want to be near him.

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