That Night

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Third person's POV:

“Jin, are you sure you'll go alone? I'll come with you.”Jin's best friend Hobi said.

“Hobi, It's okay, I'll go alone; it won't be the first time I bring foods alone at night, and your mother will be waiting for you at home. Thank you for today; you put in a lot of effort.” Jin said.

“Aiissh, why are you saying thanks,Who wants your gratitude?”Hobi complained loudly.Jin  smiled at his adorable friend.

"All right, my little hope, go home now; it's getting late; see you tomorrow."
"Bye, Jin, and drive carefully." Hobi waved to Jin.

Within a half-hour, Jin arrived at his location.

"Wow, I've only seen these kinds of hotels on television.” With amusement, he said and entered the hotel. Then he looked for the specific room number where they had placed their food order.

“ Is that you, Jin?”Upon hearing his name being shouted, he turned to face the caller. 

"Oh my god, Ken!" Jin exclaimed upon reuniting with his high school friend.

“Hello and how are you doing?”

“ I'm doing fine, how about you? It's been a while.”

"Well, look at me, how do you feel about me?" Jin chuckled at his buddies' amusing question.

"You are still the same Ken."

“Yes, the same ken, young,wild and free” Without seeing the looks from those surrounding them, they both loudly  cracked.

"What are you up to?"

“Oh, I'm here to bring a customer's food order from our restaurant."

"When did you launch your company? I expect a treat  for this.”

"Visit us if you pass by; it's just a little restaurant, not that big. I'll give you the address and also free food without a doubt."

“Oh no, I'm leaving for abroad the following week, so I doubt I'll be able to visit you. Instead, how about I treat you? I'll go with you to place the order, and then we can hang around here, pleeeaseeee……”

“Okay, how am I supposed to say no to you, Kennie, if you ask me like that?” They both simply laughed before leaving.
"Hyung, I know how to lift your mood." Jimin remarked while glancing at his brother, who is upset about losing a project with one of the major companies they had hoped to work on together.

"Jimin, I told you not to disturb me.” While sipping a glass of whiskey and standing on the balcony of the opulent hotel suite, Jungkook remarked, Who's giving his back to Jimin.

”How am I supposed to leave you here? or else drinking will make you wasted."

"No, it is just my first peg, and I know how to keep my alcohol consumption under control. You are also drunk; go and take a nape.” Jungkook made an effort to convince him that everything was fine, but Jimin is aware of how hard his brother has been working on this project and how down he is right now.

"Don't act like everything is fine; trust me, I'll send over a fantastic guy who will vanish all your worries  tonight . “Jimin said before he left.

"What's wrong with him? I just told him to stop bothering me, yet he's going to bother me with another guy.” Jungkook said in disbelief.
Jin tries to wiggle out of Ken's hold.
"Kennie, I can walk, I'm not a baby."Jin said with a pout.

“ Jin, cut it out. Oh my God, what the hell was in that juice?”

“They had strawberry, milk, ice, and, I believe, a little amount of lemon juice.”Jin said giving him a drunken smile.

"I think the bartender served you the wrong juice. He was always glancing at you. What a pevert.” Ken said irritably.

"No, he was a nice person, When you use the restroom, he handed me one extra juice for free.”Jin giggled intoxicatedly.

“Jin! How come you didn't tell me that? That scumbag, I'm going to complaint him.”

“Oh, isn't it my scooter? Sweetie,I'm coming; let's get home.” Jin escaped Ken's grasp, but thankfully, he managed to re-grab him.

"Jin, you can't drive in that condition; let me drop you."
“Oh my God, I forgot to bring my car key; it's in my room. Jin stay here, don’t go anywhere, I will come back quick ly, ok?”

“ Okay, sir”. Jin gives him a sweet bow.

Ken forced him to sit down on the couch next to the hotel lobby.He then ran fast towards the elevator that he nearly ran into another person who was on the phone.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm really sorry”.He apologized to the man and said, "I have to go; I'm in a rush.”

“Hello, I'm sorry. Someone just bumped into me and fled like his house was on fire. What was his name again? ? SeoJin?…Don't send any cheap guys like you did the last time,  otherwise you know what I can do. “Jimin ended the call.

“What kind of policy is it that they don't even release their employees' photos? I can't believe I have to look for this guy now.”

Jimin groaned and made his way to the door. When he noticed a handsome man sitting there and talking, he abruptly stopped walking.

"Did he think he could trick me?  I am Jin, nobody can play with me.” Jin said to himself.

“Are you Jin ?” Jimin came up to himand asked.

“Yes, how can I help you?”

“Oh my god! Come with me, my hyung is waiting for you.”

“Your hyung ?who is your hyung ? "

“Oh my god! Are you drunk? They are so irresponsible, I can't believe it. However, I'm positive Hyung will like you. The other guys don't look as good as you do.You are very handsome."

“I know. But Iam cute also.” With a pout, Jin said.

” Yes, you are cute and handsome. Now let's go, we're running out of time.”
Jimin dragged him from there.

As Jungkook sipped his second glass of wine, he heard the door to his room open.

"Jimin, I told you I don't need-"

When Jungkook saw a beautiful man enter his room, he paused what he was saying. He could say that he has never seen somebody this handsome. The man entered the room cautiously and came to a stop when he saw Jungkook.

“Hai” Jin waved at him cutely, giving his bread cheek smile. Jungkook stared at him from head to teo.How is it possible for someone to be both cute and so handsome? Jungkook thought. He approaches Jin slowly.

"That shorty told me you were waiting for me.Are you waiting for me?” Jin queried with interest and made a slow approach before falling, but Jungkook immediately caught him. Jin's head hit his chest as they collided.He raises his gaze gently. They can now feel each other's breath due to how close their faces are together.

"You are very handsome." Jin muttered while glaring at Jungkook.

“"Baby, you have no idea what this handsome will do to you tonight."

Jin gave a little scream when jungkook abruptly took him in his arms.
"Put me down, Mr. Handsome. I can walk."

"But I doubt you can walk tomorrow, baby." With a grin Jungkook stated as he placed him on the king-sized bed. Jin lay there cluelessly.

Within seconds, Jungkook unbuttoned his shirt and positioned himself above Jin.Jin was mesmerized by jungkook's toned physique. Jungkook stroked his plum lips slowly.Jin attempted to stop him, but his body refused, because the alcohol is controlling him.They exchanged intense looks.When Jungkook closed the space between their lips, Jin shut his eyes tightly.It started out as a calm, soft kiss before turnings into a  greedy one.And their night continued with soft moans and screams.

(  A/N : Iam not comfortable in writing smut. Please bear with me 🙂 )


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