𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝟐𝟑

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I’m staring at my notebooks placed on the counter wondering why I am not studying.

There isn’t anything to study for honestly. We don’t have any tests this week and I’ve already done my assignments at school during lunch break like always. I usually revise my notes when I’m at home but I don’t want to.

Why don’t I want to?

I would call Liv to come hang out and force me to watch one of her favorite movies but she’s hanging out with Ethan today.

After last week, when Jameson told me that Ethan might have a crush on Liv, Ethan asked her out the next day. Liv seemed very excited and they both had fun on their date as well. And honestly, everyday after work, Liv is always with Ethan.

Not that I hate it. I love Liv and I love that Ethan makes her so happy that her cheeks start hurting from smiling so much.

I never expected Ethan to be a romantic type of person but according to Liv, Ethan is very romantic. I’m sure Jameson is having fun being a pain in his ass.

As much as Liv is happy, Ethan has changed too. Whenever Jameson mentions Liv, Ethan automatically smiles. And now, instead of me, Ethan texts Liv during lunch breaks.

They might already be deeply in love and it has only been a week.

The thought of them together makes me so happy but also makes me wonder if I’ll ever find someone who’d make me feel so loved that my cheeks would ache because of smiling or when I hear his name, my lips automatically form a smile. Someone I’d go out with and spend my days laughing and smiling.

Jameson comes into my mind. It’s no secret that Jameson is a romantic lover. I’m pretty sure whoever he ends up with will be such a lucky girl. Jameson is handsome, kind, charming and talented. He’s mostly everything a girl dreams about in a guy.

And he’s stuck pretending to be my boyfriend.

My mind goes back to our first dinner together when he first made me laugh and said that he loved the sound. When I came home that day, his words kept roaming around my mind. No one has ever complimented my laugh. He even mentioned missing my laugh when I visited him while he was sick. I’ve never liked my dimples but after Jameson pointed out multiple times that he liked my dimples, I stopped being insecure about them.

I get up from the stool and go in my room to pick up my phone.

I unlock my phone and pull up my call logs. I write ‘Devil’ on the search bar and Jameson’s number pops up at top.

I stare at it, nibbling at my lower lips as my fingers tap my phone cover.

What am I doing? I can’t ask him to hang out with me, he’s probably busy. And what will we do? Glare at each other? Beat each other in non-existing quizzes?

I shake my head.

No. I can’t call him, I can’t-

My phone rings. I look at the ID.


Speak of the devil.

I answer the call and put the phone against my ear.


“I’m bored.” Jameson says from the other side.


“Your best friend stole my best friend.”

I blink, “he’s not the love of your life, Jameson.” he scoffs, “and shouldn’t you be happy?”

𝐄𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐮 + 𝐢 Where stories live. Discover now