on my mind

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I watch  mattheo walk away still flabbergasted as well as astoria who just scoffed and gave me a blistering look then preceding to walk away , all I could do was wonder why he was doing this like maybe just maybe likes me as much as I like him  but still he is begin very close with like every girl he lays his eyes on.

As thoughts  run though my mind like crazy my eyes stay on him even the way he walks is just perfect its honestly unexplainable how pretty he is.

- time skip -

i decided i was going to take a breather by going up to the astronomy tower and draw what ever came to mind in this case it was mattheo even tho its much later since what happened with him and the little situation we had ,  i was still thinking about him over and over and over again until i got the biggest fright of my life when i hear a voice saying " stop it " i look around to see know one there but the voice didn't stop.

  As i continued to draw him is brown beautiful eyes and his perfectly carved lips ,his hair that was always perfect, i heard the voice again more distinct this time allowing me to hear the deep voice clearer than the last , that's when i realised. mattheo. i had completely forgotten he could read minds and god was i thinking about him a lot and when i say a lot i mean a lot.

omg i thought to my self i was and still am embarrassed from the first time and now i have to live with the misery of him making fun of me or maybe thinking iam a creep or smth once again.

i look down at my drawing that resembled him perfectly , i began scrunching the paper up to one  , to make me stop thinking about him and two so that no one would know about this little fantasy of mine.

once i had scrunched it i threw it across the other side of the tower in the hopes it would get ruined by up coming rain or blown away in the wind but if i am being honest i didn't care what happened with it as long as its not in my possession.

i began walking down the twisted stairs and towards my dorm hoping that this was all a dream and i would wake up tomorrow and everything would be fine.

with that i lay in my soft sheets and began to drift into a deep sleep. 

   - mattheos pov -

i was sitting in my dorm reading not being able to get y/n face out of my head she truly is the definition of perfect  and i would do anything for her but she doesn't have to know that right ?

i decided that i would have some fun and read her mind considering earlier was a bit chaotic and i wanted to know what she thought of it. i began to try and read her mind and to my surprise i saw me my eyes ,  nose , mouth , hair she was thinking about me.

at this i began to almost blush and butterfly's began forming in my stomach witch i hated and began almost telling myself of by saying " stop it " and continuing to  until i realised... she could hear my thoughts. fuck iam stupid even more stupid than draco and that says something.

i didn't know what to do but stayed clam and  i started trying to find her i asked pansy and draco but it was useless i couldn't find her that's when i clicked astromy tower i began to speed my walking up my breaths becoming heavier by the minute as i race to get to the top of the curled stair case.

once i had reached the top my heart racing at the thought of y/n being up hear  but to my surprise there was no one nothing except one thing that caught my eye it looked like a crumpled piece of paper blowing in the wind.

As i got more curious i bent down catching the piece of now unfolded piece of paper  right in between my middle and index finger  and slowly standing up the context of what's on the paper was still left unrevealed until i finally turned it over revelling a perfectly draw photo of.....me.

everything was spot on and i could feel myself smiling widely at it  knowing exactly who drew this y/n.

i decided to give it back but not the way she would think i turned it over sitting down reaching for my pocket that had to have a pencil in it and i was right i did , i began to draw. her . all of the things i loved about her making sure i did not mess up once, her eyes her nose her lips all perfect in my drawing and in real life.

once i had finished i walked back down the stairs and managed to sneak into the girls dormitories i walk until i came to the dorm i hoped was y/n and pansy's room. with one or two light knocks the door creeps open and pansy was standing there looking tired.

 " is y/n there " i ask pansy quite rufly " yep she's asleep tho , why ? "  she replied " i look hesitantly at the folded paper in my hands before handing it to pansy saying " give this to her and do not say it was from me or DONT look at it ok " " gotcha grumpy " she's says practically  slamming her door in my face.

with that i head back to my dorm y/n on my mind........

A/N : don't know what i think yet  but oh well , bye luvsss <33

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