Episode 4, The Real Training begins

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Opening credits happen: Dear Maria Count Me In (Japanese Version)

It was now the next and second day of UA. Everyone was getting a fresh start for their first years in the hero course. Deku was walking to the school building but he stopped as he sees Mangle about to walk into the school building as well. Deku smiles as he runs over to her

Deku: Hey Mangle! You're early too!

Mangle stops as she looks at Deku

Mangle: you remember my name?

Deku: Of course I did! Everyone has to eventually remember their classmate’s names

Mangle: ehh yeah. ummm..Midoriya? Did i get it right??

Deku: yeah!

Mangle: yes!

Mangle smiles as Deku laughs softly at Mangle’s energetic personality. All of a sudden another familiar face appears pushing them both out of the way as he walks in the school building.

Foxy: …idiots..

Deku: well i guess he wasn’t in a good mood to wake up

Mangle: hey! Why don’t you take your fuckin  attitude somewhere else you! You! You jerk!!

Foxy then turns to look at Mangle with this dark look on his face and he growls. Mangle then gives him this death stare as she’s acting serious

Mangle: i’m not afraid…so don’t even try scaring me…

Foxy looks at her for a couple of minutes and scoffs as he walks off in the building..

Deku: h..he didn’t barely say anything!?!?

Mangle sighs

Mangle: Foxy has always been like this for a while now…i..i don’t know him that well but…well..idk..its complicated…its just that…he made me angry to where i have to defend you…because i don’t like anyone messing with people I talk to..

Deku: t..thats really sweet Mangle but i’m fine…really

Deku smiles

Deku: i’m kind of use to it with Kaachan but i’m working hard to defend myself so no worries

Mangle: ok then, I trust you

Mangle smiles warmly at Deku as they both walk into the school building

Later, everyone was seated in their seats

Xayah: alright..from what I heard from yesterday..it seems like you all did a pretty good job on your training…surprised when you think about it…

Everyone blinks

Xayah: anyways…today you’ll be doing the actual training where you’ll be in pairs fighting against each other as pairs…half of the pairs will play out as the villains…the other half will play out as the heroes…so this is where your gonna need to think closely and concentrate…

Everyone nods

Xayah: and so…your person who will be examining you today is-

All of a sudden, the number 1 hero, All Might, zoom’s right in the door showing off his signature smile

All Might: I am here!!!!!

Everyone: All Might!!

Deku: oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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