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HER heart dropped and broke. Shattering into a million pieces, staring at the man in front of her. The man she loved for three years put all her time into for three years. Just for it to go to waste.

Her eyes stung with tears, and her fist was clenched. Mazi grabbed her hand, pulling her close to him. "I fucked up, Ri. I'm sorry, man." He spoke up, and she just stared at him, trying to keep her tears from falling.

"Why now? Why'd you wait all this time to tell me now?" She snatched away from him, stepping back. "Cause I felt bad, Ri, I couldn't keep this shit from you anymore. The baby due in October and... I'on know, Ri. I know I fucked up, and I'm sorry." He confessed, her eyes bucked out of her head.

Her heart sank even further, a mix of anger and sadness consuming her. "October?!" she questioned in disbelief, her voice trembling.

"Really Mazi? When did you even fuck this girl?" Yuri asked, staring at him.

He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. "It was back in January when you was working a lot. You was focused on work Ri I ain't know what to do." Mazi answered, and her heart sank even further.

January 2021 was the worst month of her life. She was falling in and out of love with her passion, staying up past midnight to perfect something that would never be looked at or sold. Her grandmother then passed, leaving her whole life in shambles. She was just at her ultimate worst during that time.

She was just all in her head. And now knowing that her boyfriend was fucking someone else instead of being by her side hurt her.

"I hate you. Fuck you!" Yuri yelled at him, pushing him, and he moved her hands away from him. "Man, this shit not just my fault. If you would've gave a nigga some attention, we wouldn't be in this situation." He spun it around on her, and she mugged him.

"Grow the fuck up Mazi; the fucking world doesn't revolve around you! I had shit going on, and you knew that!" Yuri snapped back. The tension between them intensified as their exchange became more heated.

Yuri sighed, and so did Mazi. He looked at her, seeing her eyes become glossy.

Mazi spoke, his voice filled with sincerity. "I didn't want to hurt you, Ri. You know I'd never purposely hurt you." But Yuri didn't sense any genuine remorse in his words.

"You did it anyway. Mazi, what- I- just don't understand." Yuri choked out between sobs. Her tears flowed uncontrollably, turning her into a crying mess. Mazi gave her the same regretful look he'd been giving her all night.

"Yuri, don't cry man." He tried to touch her, but she pushed his hand away. "I ain't mean to hurt you." He added, trying to sound apologetic, but his words were just making it worse because he did hurt her.

She continued to sob, knowing she looked like a mess, but she couldn't help it. The pain was too much. Mazi stood there, watching her cry, when suddenly his phone started to ring. He quickly grabbed it from his pocket.

He answered the phone, his voice filled with concern. "She at the hospital now?" Mazi asked the person on the other end. Yuri wiped her face, staring at him in disbelief.

She was about to flip the fuck out. He wasn't sorry; if he was so sorry, like he said he was, he'd be comforting her instead of answering his phone, but he obviously had new priorities. The phone call ended, and Mazi looked at her.

"I gotta go." He said to her, Yuri could feel her eyes tearing up again. "We could talk tomorrow if you want." Mazi suggested, and she shook her head.

"Nope, I'm good.. Go take care of your family." She replied, sniffling. Mazi sighed, shaking his head walking to the driver's side of his car. He got in without wasting any time before speeding off, leaving her there in the dark night to cry to herself.

Yuri swallowed the lump in her throat, her heart felt heavy with sadness. She wrapped her arms around herself, taking a seat on the bench behind her. She felt stupid. So stupid.

And he just left her. Like she was nothing to him at all. She started crying again, not being able to hold back her tears. She was glad the streets were empty, leaving her to cry to herself.

Yuri sniffled, going into her clutch grabbing her phone with shaky hands. She just knew her mother was going to give her an earful. Yuri's tears dropped on the screen as she sat there.

Yuri stared at her mother's contact, wondering why it was so hard to call her. Probably because she didn't want the feeling of her mother being right about Mazi not being for her.

Her mother held back on cursing Mazi out plenty of times, and Yuri knew when she told her mother the events that happened tonight, she'd have a whole two-page essay about how Mazi ain't shit.

Yuri sucked it up and called her mother, placing her phone against her ear. Taylor answered on the first ring, "Make it quick. I'm watching my show." Taylor spoke

"Can you come get me, please?" Yuri asked softly, trying to hide the sadness in her voice, but she was talking to her mother. Taylor automatically knew something was wrong with her daughter.

"You been crying? What's wrong? Where are you Yuri? It's almost ten at night." Taylor bombarded her with questions with concern laced in her voice.

Yuri felt her eyes tear up again. "I- me and Mazi got into an argument, and he left me. Can you please come get me?" Yuri asked

"He left you?! Where- that bitch- where the hell you at?" Taylor asked, Yuri could tell by the tone of her mother's voice that she was mad already just from that statement alone.

"Im at Dakotas." Yuri responded, her tone sad and dull, "Alright, I'm on my way, Ri. Stay on the phone with me."



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