32 | you're losing me

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"Hey, you ready?" Sasha asked Taryn, walking into their shared bathroom. The girl was already dressed up and eager to get to the celebration, as shown by the excitement displayed on her face.

Taryn had been in the middle of doing her hair into a style that was quite popular among the ladies, which was a variation of the braids Queen Historia wore at her coronation. It had soon spread among the young women across the mainland and since then it became a widespread trend within the Walls, as everyone sought to recreate the hairstyle.

"Yeah, I'll be done in a bit." She smiled at Sasha while twisting a final lock of hair before pinning it up in place. Tying it off with a ribbon, she looked at her reflection in the mirror, observing. She noticed that her face looked a bit plain, so she turned to Sasha for help. "Can you help me do my makeup?"


She closed her eyes as Sasha skillfully applied color to her cheeks, using the pigment they bought the other day in Trost. Sasha did her eyes and her lips as well, finishing the look.

Once she was done she gently tapped Taryn's nose, and the girl's lids fluttered open. "Done!"

She tore her gaze away from Sasha and once again at the mirror. She looked the same, but the makeup had done well at enhancing her features that they looked even more striking. Sasha hugged her, resting her chin on Taryn's shoulder, beaming at her work.

"So pretty," She admired, then her lips pulled back into wide grin. "Make him pay for it."

Taryn didn't have to wonder what she meant or who she was talking about, and the two broke out into laughs. They continued to make some last minute touches, donning on accessories and spraying perfume on themselves. Sasha then grabbed Taryn's hand, dragging her out of the bathroom and into their living space where Mikasa sat on her bed, waiting for them.

She glanced at them, and a warm smile soon appeared on her face. "You two look beautiful," Mikasa told them, Sasha and Taryn giggling in response. "You should get going now, you don't want to be late."

"Are you really not coming, Mikasa?" Taryn asked. The whole day, they'd been trying to convince her to go, only to be met with a 'no' and an apologetic shake of her head each time, claiming that she didn't feel like going. The two hoped Mikasa would change her mind last minute, but that wasn't the case as the black-haired girl declined once again.

"I'm not fond of festivities," She reasoned. Seeing their glum reactions, Mikasa laughed, waving them off. "I'll be fine. You guys have fun."

"Oh, well, you're welcome to catch up any time," said Sasha, and she wasted no time in pulling Taryn away, heading out the door. "See ya!"

They waved at her, though their excitement made it difficult for them to linger any longer. The two girls ran through the long halls—thank goodness they weren't wearing heels—making their way to the boy's dormitories of the headquarters. There, they found Connie, Jean, and Armin, dressed up all neat and formal as well. Armin in his usual blue, Jean in a vest and fedora, while Connie was dressed in a rather ugly patchwork suit.

Taryn stifled her laugh, but Sasha made no effort to disguise her distaste. "You look ridiculous!" She told him, judging the suit he wore with an incredulous look on her face.

Jean snickered. "We told him."

Connie rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "You guys just don't understand style. Rich bachelors in the interior wear these all the time!"

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