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⎨𝒯𝒲: Abuse/ violence.⎬


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It was a cold day. You could hear the pitter-patter of the rain on the leaves outside, and the distant sound of thunder.

Ma was sitting on the living room floor, lost in thought. I was little at the time so I foolishly approached her, desperate for an answer.

"Ma...! When can I go to school?" Little me asks, very proud of myself for having this much courage.

"School...?" My mother repeats with a horrified look on her face.

"Y-Yes! I saw it on the picture book. The boy went to school almost everyday, it said that everyone has to g-go... so I was just wondering-" I'm forced to stop my shy explanation when my mother begins to scream.

"Yo-you... UNGRATEFUL CHILD." I withdraw. "YOU THINK YOU KNOW EVERYTHING?!" She suddenly stands up. Grabbing a small vase that was on top of the old coffee table, spilling it's dirty water onto the floor while threatening to throw it at me. I flinch at her sudden movement. "AFTER ALL I'VE SACRIFICED FOR YOU!!" Her vision is overflowed with tears.

The yelling alerts Paw, who was just outside fixing a broken pipe.

"What's going on?!" He barges in. "H-He'll f-find me Jones!" My mother drops to her knees, crying. Breaking the vase in the process.

Paw runs to her aid, holding her in his arms. "I'll never let him take you, Eliza." He reassures her, while stroking her hair. "...how can my own son be s-so... selfish and c-cruel..." She sobs, as I stand there frozen and extremely confused. 

'What did I do wrong?'

My mother always had an unpredictable temper. She could go from being happy to terrifyingly angry in a matter of seconds, causing me to always be on edge. 

Paw likes ma a lot. He's always there for her and gives her whatever she needs. So when she's upset... he always goes harder on my punishments.

"...boy." Paw starts and I feel shivers go down my entire body from his voice alone. "Haven't you learned your lesson?" "BOOM!" The sudden loud thunder makes me jump and creates an even scarier environment than before.

My father stands up and starts walking towards me. I stutter and quiver before he grabs my arm and forcefully drags me to a small set of stairs, that lead to a compact basement.

I squirm, trying to get away from his suffocating grip while begging my parents for mercy. "I-I'm sorry ma...! P-Please... I'll be g-good! I promise mama! Please!" I cry, but my one and only mother doesn't even spare me a quick glance.

A deep feeling of regret comes over me. 'I shouldn't have asked ma about school... why did I have to ask her? How could I be so stupid?' As Paw drags me down the steps and throws me onto the cold and damp basement floor, I whimper.

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