soggy sheets

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Gracie blinked softly and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she woke up in her comfy warm bed as usual ready as ever to empty her bladder, she tossed aside the covers while yawning halfheartedly the coldness of her bedroom floor making the need for the toilet slightly more urgent than before.   Stepping inside the bathroom she hurried over to the toilet beginning to pull down the edge of her jeans that she'd slept in but a spilt second decision made her pull them back up and readjust them "what if.. I didn't go? It wouldn't be that much of a difference right? I bet I could hold it all day if I wanted too." She confidently murmured to herself abandoning the unused toilet and moving on to the kitchen where she poured herself a bowl of cereal and a glass of water, though the thought had surprised her it didn't seem like a hard task at all, I hardly need to go and I haven't gone since last night! She thought to herself while she crunched away at the cereal taking sips of her water in-between bites

2 hour time skip

"Maybe a liquid heavy breakfast wasn't the best move..." She groaned pacing around her bedroom stopping now and again to squeeze her hands between her thighs and whine at the now overfilled bladder threatening to release at any off movement, Gracie was absolutely right about making the wrong breakfast choices. She observed the room for any form of distraction from her self induced urgency, she didn't know why she was still holding it when she could easily walk over to her bathroom and end the uncomfortable situation but part of her didn't want to and as much to her discomfort Gracie liked the feeling. The growing soon to be overwhelming need to pee that should've been oh so embarrassing... Gave her a blushy feeling inside there was something about the desperation and shame that came along with thought of pissing her pants on accident or on purpose that scratched a distant part of her brain in just the right way, although most of her senses  were focused on preventing a warm yellow puddle from entering her panties she couldn't push away the soft fuzzy feeling that crept up her back when she felt like she was about to lose control. Snapping back from the new found feelings Gracie eyed her laptop sitting at the edge of her bed "if I'm lucky that'll buy me some time" she whispered to herself as she cautiously walked over to her bed not removing her hands from between her thighs until she reached for the gray laptop, crawling on to the middle of her bed and opening it before clicking her way on to YouTube where she put on a random video she did her best to concentrate on screen sitting in front of her but she had to concentrate far more on keeping her pants dry. The pressure was on now as she felt her legs begin to shake from a mix of pure desperation and the exhausting effort of holding the tidal wave of pee that she held within her, rocking her hips side to side as her breath got heavy and red started to glow on her face "oh fuck..." She squeaked as she bit down on her bottom lip as her whole lower body began to quiver and her heart raced it was quite clear she was out of time, she groaned and purely out of instinct her legs separated and her body went slack as she leaned back on her arm a hot spurt of pee soaked her panties before abruptly turning into a strong stream squelching through her pants eagerly flooding the bed and she let out a shakey sigh of relief and fully relaxed watching the light yellow puddle flow from her drenched crotch and out on to her sheets, she felt the way the warmth pooled around her butt for a few seconds before soaking into the rest of her mattress. Taking a couple minutes to digest the event that too place right below her she thought she was done peeing as the urge to squirm around and hold her crotch subsided "I guess I'm already soaked, what could it hurt to try?" She said aloud before relaxing once a again letting a considerably smaller stream into her already hot soaked pants she watched as the small dribble added itself to the massive wet spot on her bed, she smiled to herself not just out of relief but out of pleasure as she bounced softly against the squishy surface and moved her hand down inside the wet fabric she knew pee wasn't the only thing she'd wet her pants with.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: hey y'all I hope you enjoyed the story, as I am new to writing I am very open to suggestions/constructive criticism so feel free to dm or comment whatever you feel would improve the story. This is going to be an ongoing story with Gracie exploring all that there is to wetting and messing so yeah ^^

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