Party Pooper

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Based (loosely) on a pørn video I saw a while back since I'm low on prompts .//3//. SIDE NOTE: this is short n' sweet I thought I would get straight to the point with and give the people what they want

Gracie pulled up her pantyhose pausing to let out a fart before sliding them up her ass cheeks the tight elastic snapping into place at her waist, fanning away at the nasty smell she moved up to her breasts adjusting her sequin lined bra to push up her cleavage, a cheap marde gras mask hiding the upper part of her face not that you could see much of it through the amount of glittery eyeshadow she'd caked across her eyelids. "Maybe I should use the bathroom before the party." She said setting her hand against her stomach before it let out a harsh grumble she didn't expect causing her to let another fart rip this one ending with a slimy trail of diarrhea slipping through her asscheeks "fuck!" She squeaked moving one hand to her ass assessing the damage the other firmly gripping at the marble counter top "ooouu I've really gotta go... But I have to get ready for the party! I can't be late because I shit in my pants again!" Her knees buckled forwards as another shart forced itself out of her already dirty asshole this time being much harder to stop.

Clenching as hard as she could muster keeping her breathing shallow as she knew squirming only aided in holding her bladder "I don't think these pantyhose are gonna make it~" she said softly as another pang of uncomfortableness rode through her stomach earning a high pitched whine from her mouth while her upper thighs began to quiver, a tale tell sign of an accident in the making; sweat beaded at her temples and her glutes relaxed a huge pile of runny shit slowly and satisfyingly engulfed the seat of her pantyhose spreading up to beginning of her pussy making her feel the warmth of her mess against the slickness that had started forming when she first sharted, it filled the nylon material making an obvious yellow brown lump that was threatening to seep through it. Gracie watched herself in the mirror over her shoulder admiring the work of art she made in her clothes "maybe it's time to get some pull ups..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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