Chapter 64

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Gilrack had expected this.

It didn't make watching his brother turn into someone he didn't know in the face of a panicking Jolene. By the time Gilrack had gotten near enough to sweep her back into the nest, not only had Rikek begun to calm her, but for the first time Gilrack could sense a semblance of a block beginning to form over Jolene's mind waves.

He should be happy for her. She had been so self-conscious over that. But all Gilrack could feel was annoyed.

Rikek glanced up at Gilrack as the later loomed from behind his mate. The younger brother's pupils shifted, but otherwise he masterfully hid his thoughts from Gilrack.

He tucked a wing around Jolene. She backed into it readily for comfort, not knowing the possessive message Gilrack meant to send.

"If that is all, I'll be taking her back to the nest." Not just for her sake, but for his. Her stress bled into him like blood in water.


He sighed, but he found himself not minding the particular brother who wriggled himself out from the captivated crowd. Several made grunts of protest as his brood-brother's green tail wagged, hitting them in the process. His ears pointed to the ceiling in his excitement. Tucked under one arm was a nondescript package wrapped in soft leather.

"So this is the female hidden in that weird suit." He tried flashing his teeth at Jolene, having picked up from someone the concept of a 'smile.' "Hello, sister! Do you remember me? I'm Hochak."

Jolene heard the familiar clack of stones at the end of the name and her eyes widened with recognition.

"I thought it was the light making you look green," she said.

Hochak warbled a laugh in his throat and snapped his thorns against the floor in happiness.

"Nope. That's just me. Comes from mother's side. Grandfather had a taste for uniquely colored females." Good to see he was chatty as always. Hochak held out the leather wrapped package. "For you. A gift of friendship."

Well, at least one of his brothers knew their place. Even the mated brothers were still staring at Jolene looked absolutely star-struck with their nostrils flared at her scent. He felt bad for the sisters mated to them. To be so easily caught off guard by scent and beauty when your female was right next to you. Shameful.

Jolene hesitated before reluctantly handing the egg she'd been trying to hide in her breasts to Gilrack and accepting the present. Gilrack could feel many eyes watching him closely as he carefully tucked the egg back into its place in the holder against his chest. He let them, preening inside at the jealous eyes. They could only hope to have such beautiful eggs.

A little gasp drew his attention back to Jolene.

Nestled in the leather, made of gold and bright with diamonds, was a fine tooth comb.

Gilrack found himself staring. Gold was rare, extremely useful, and in high demand. To find a comb made out of it...where in the world had his brother been hiding that? Wouldn't it be better to keep that for a bridal gift?

...Maybe Hochak wasn't so innocent.

"Traitor," he found himself muttering.

Rather than be offended, Hochak tittered at him like a disappointed aunt.

"Only the best for the future chief's mate, brother."

"Worm shit."

Hochak gave him the toothy human grin. It made Gilrack want to punch him.

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