Chapter 14

513 16 7

Word count:837

Nice Snape 

Haromine Friendship

Slight Drarry?



Harry now has his Animagus form under control, Sirius taught him how. I am aware that glamour spells are not canon, and I completely made up the "spell" to remove it.

This is still during Sunday btw!

Also, welcome to the place where I dump all the days events and my story ideas into a cauldron and mix them together until a story pops out!


~Harry P.O.V.~

My mind is racing as Snape leads the way to his office, the three of us following close behind. We reach the entrance to the castle, and go with him to the dungeons. He opens the door and lets the three of us walk in before closing the door behind him.

"Sit," he says, pointing to three chairs in front of his desk.

I start to bite my fingernails again. Draco taps me lightly on the shoulder and it startles me so much that I jump in my chair, and almost fall on the floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry Harry! I didn't mean to scare you!" he says, grabbing my hand to help me up.

"It's okay..."

"Are you sure?"

"It's fine, Draco. Drop it."

Snape walks over to his chair, cape dramatically blowing behind him. I wonder how he does that.

"Potter, McGonagall told me what happened this summer. She also asked me to talk to you, and I must admit that what she told me was very concerning."

"Wh-what do you mean? Nothing happened this summer-" I say, running a hand through my hair.

"Potter, what is that on your hand?"

Crap. He saw it.

"Wha-what do you mean, what's on my hand? T-there's nothing on my hand." I say with a nervous laugh, pulling my hand out of my hair and into my lap.

"Potter, give me your hand."

"No! There's nothing there!"

"I know what I saw. Give me your hand."

"NO! There's nothing on my hand!"

"Potter, now."


He reaches over the table and grabs my hand, pulling it on top of the desk. I try to pull my hand away, but his grip is too strong. I'm lucky that I learned how to do glamour spells without a wand and without saying anything.

"Glamouro Removo!"

My glamour spell vanishes. Snape stares open-mouthed at the back of my hand, the hand that has the words carved into it.

"Did those Muggles do this to you?!"

I shake my head furiously, forgetting that Hermione and Draco are still there. 

"No, they didn't!  Nobody did this to me, it just- it just appeared one day, yeah!"

"Things like this don't  just happen overnight, Harry." Hermione says, her voice unsteady.

Hermione starts to gently trace the scars left on my hand, and I flinch.

"Harry-" she says, her eyes welling up with tears. "Why didn't you tell us?!"

"I didn't want you to worry..."

"You didn't tell anyone? Why not?!" Draco asks me, concern etched into his face.

I start to cry.

"I d-didn't tell you because I was scared, okay! I-I was s-scared o-of how you w-would react! Go on, laugh now. Laugh at how weak I am! How pathetic I am!" I manage to say, sobbing.

I curl up in the chair and hug my knees. I hear Draco pull out his wand and mutter a conjuring spell, and I feel someone wrap a blanket around me. Draco crouches down in front of me.

"Harry, I need you to breathe. Can you do that for me?"

I try to take a deep breath, but with how much I'm crying, it takes a great deal of effort.

"I'll do it with you, okay? Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out."

I take deep breaths, calming myself down just enough, to the point where I'm not crying my eyes out. I pull the blanket tighter around myself and rock back and forth slowly.

"You feel better now?"

"I wa-want Snuffles." I say, sniffling.

"Who's Snuffles?"

"Sirius," Hermione answers for me.

"Where is he?" Snape asks her. "I'll go get him."

"Last I saw him he was in the hut they added. I think that's where Professor Lupin is staying as well."

"Okay, I'll be back. You two, stay here with him, in case anything happens."

He walks out the door and heads down the hallway, out of sight. I curl up, and start to rock back and forth. A few minutes later, I see Sirius come into the room as Snuffles, closely followed by Remus and Snape. I change into my Animagus form and run over to him. He sits on the floor, and I sit between his front legs.

"Can he control when he turns into a cat now?" Draco asks.

"Yes, Sirius taught him last night. I'd assume you'd know by now how fast Harry learns things." Remus says, nodding.

"That's good."

Sirius whimpers, shuffling his paws. He looks down at me, and I look back up at him.

"He'll be okay, Padfoot."

Sirius now turns his head towards Remus, and he whimpers again.

I snuggle into his chest, and Close my eyes, though I don't fall asleep this time.



I kept my promise! This didn't take me very long to write, so I'm sorry if it's poorly written!

Until later,


(I'm changing my username)

Question of the day: What is your favorite dessert?

Mine is, hands down, cheesecake.

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